I'm kind of confused, I gave Fluffy the Shadow Cabbage, and it has a brief animation of her doing a jump thing while surrounded by a purple glow and then that's it. No dialog, she doesn't learn anything etc.
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I really hope that at some point there are plans to actually either revisit some of the monsters, or at very least bring one home with you. Since A: The Feragon quest shows it is clearly possible and B: In the basement it flat out suggests you can/want to bring one home with you. Also, there really needs to be a way to kick the Forgemaster's ass. It's kinda dumb that you can fight him and always lose regardless of your skills/level/etc.
I really find it interesting how the creature really does grow based on how you interact with it. I'm oddly enough hoping that down the line we get access to a sort of balanced romance/sexual interaction path that treats the thing as a proper person (and of course allows materialization in the world). Without the... unfortunate side effect of what happens when you basically go full sex mode in current content. I will say however, that if it ONLY ever leads to bad ends, that does kind of seemingly destroy the whole... point? Of a vn like this. To me at least. xD I mean the selling point of this is obviously to interact with and (probably) inevitably do lewd stuff to it. So having it exclusively lead to bad shit going down? I dunno. Either way, so far I've loved it.