Here it is! I would say make the enemies get harder as the game goes on or add a winning screen at like 10 or 15 minutes!
Type Forge
A member registered 59 days ago
Recent community posts
Hi! I just beat your game. Like I REALLY BEAT IT! Like I can't build any more towers. There are maxed towers everywhere. Please make the game get harder and add more bad guys! Love the game! Here is the link! Tell me if it works! file:///C:/Users/John/OneDrive/Desktop/2024-10-29_10-51-00.mp4 Thanks!
Hi! I just beat your game. Like I REALLY BEAT IT! Like I can't build any more towers. There are maxed towers everywhere. Please make the game get harder and add more bad guys! Love the game! Here is the link! Tell me if it works! file:///C:/Users/John/OneDrive/Desktop/2024-10-29_10-51-00.mp4 Thanks!