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Tyriese Miller

A member registered Jun 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you soo much for joining 

(1 edit)

Attack on the Academy out of the three had the most charm for me and felt more like a fighter. While my second favorite was Weaponized Natures was the most unique idea of the three. Finally Box Brawl was fun and it function more like a smash bros sumo match, but it needed a little more polish to bring it to the top. Thank you so much for joining my game jam next time I might put the money on the line

Unfortunately, No I have a sticky post for finding team member. 

sorry guys I just posted it on the jam page

From scratch or prepackaged tools would be fine. UFE is a great tool for making fighting games fast

Sorry about that. You can use the sticky post to find people to join your team

You can use tools like UFE Universal fighting engine, but try to keep it to pre-packaged assets

Not really, but its going to be a theme that's pretty open to be used for the mechanics or visuals

Hey everyone!

Are you looking for teammates for an upcoming game jam on Do you need an artist, programmer, sound designer, or musician to join your team? If so, this is the place to post and let others know what you're looking for.

I'm personally looking to join a team and contribute my skills as a programmer. I have experience with a variety of programming languages and I'm comfortable working on both the front-end and back-end of a project.

If you're in need of teammates for any position, please feel free to post in this thread and let us know what you're looking for. Let's work together and create something amazing!

Thanks for considering me, and I hope to hear from you soon.

My Mac pink screen for a minute. But I think it was because I opened more than one goose. Just so you know 

can you make it work with unity. that's honesly what I want it for

Really fun Loved it