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A member registered Jun 11, 2021

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Anyone know where the lucky strip card #34 is as I can't find it and online doesn't have any info on its location or how to obtain it, need it to complete the collection with it being my last card to find.

(1 edit)

then who's hand is around his shoulder as there is two hands on the guy in the middle 

It's ok if it's meant to be like that I just noticed and thought I would mention it was all 

there are two handsome on his shoulders yet another hand giving the handjob so who's two hands are on the other guys shoulders while you give the handjob is their a fourth guy in the scene?

I wouldn't call it a bug but more of an illustration error I don't know where to report it so I reported it here if you want to fix it up or not I just wanted to bring it to your attention of you weren't aware.

In this scene (as seen in pic) I notice that your character is give a handjob with his right hand yet he has his right hand on the guy's right should as circled in the image just wanted to let you know of it was all 

Thanks for such a fun game 

I am using that version and I am playing on Android device and it happens with all characters when talking to them in the street or when rewatching memories with them it happens 

Hey my game is still experiencing characters not appearing during dialogue scenes or "finish him" sequences I have also uninstalled and reinstalled my game still doesn't fix the problem it's been happening since these last couple new updates 

all good I just went in to get the code and my save file is back again but thank you so much for reaching out to me means alot 

I just uninstalled and reinstalled my game to fix a bug that was happening to me and just lost all my progress a save files and can't get them back even when I did cloud save for my device is there a way to get my game back or is it lost forever none of my emails have a cloud save account apparently I did select this device only cloud save is that why I have lost everything and can't get it back if so I am abit upset I had so much progress to my game and I don't wanna start again 

I just tried the uninstall trick and then just lost my entire game progress and can't get it back 

on Android and no I don't I will give that a try 

since update 8.1 this has been haopening to me and everytime I install the new updates this same bug keeps happening 

in the new version 8.4 there is still the bug of characters not showing during dialogue and in the "finish him" sequences 

with the latest update characters don't show in conversation or during the "finish him" sequence after work or a duel. Their image is invisible