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A member registered Aug 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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I'm not able to visit Iris Apartment. I'm at stage 11 with her. I've tried visiting her apartment at night but nothing is working

How do I access cheats? I was able to access cheats but after restarting my progress I lost the ability to do so. Is there a way to activate cheats?

How do I contact Elena? every time I try to visit her office she's not there?

Where can I find the Tailor?

Any idea where the save files are located?

How do I unlock Mierry is she not yet implemented?

I bought the game awhile ago. The older version used to have cheats I was wondering if there is still a way to enable them in the new version

How do I enable cheats?

(1 edit)

Outcast appearance sometimes change when they are recruited. Starting with the newest update I've noticed that whenever I recruit an outcast (human) their appearance changes as soon as they reach our home base. For example I've recruited a redheaded human woman only for her to appearance to change to a black haired woman with a different face shape and possibly eye color as soon as I view them in the home base.

Where can I find Shiny Stones? Do I have to craft them using the Labatory? If so what recipe do I use?

never mind they just reset back to a certain point

It seems the quests only work after doing part of the pink haired ladies pixie quest

Apparently the quests only work after you do the pixie one

Gerthrude's quest doesn't prompt properly anymore the scene with the blonde priestess and the gorgon girl keeps repeating every time I enter the main gate of the city. Also the link to download the PC windows version are either broken and the ones that aren't link to the Linux version instead.

Every time I go to the gate the same scene with the blonde priestess keeps repeating itself

Howhow do I get the Drunk Lady to snap out of it?

Starting with the new update I can't change Merrel's clothes

Downloading the Windows version of the game ends with getting the Linux version instead

Also being able to change our characters hair colors by using dyes would be cool

I'm hoping for more customization features in the future. I'd like to be able change some of my characters face presets and skin color. I hope there will be more potions in the future.

Does anyone know where the save files are located? I'd like to make backups of my save

What do I have to do to get the redhead slave?

I'm not able to progress with Charis even after talking to her many times in private, nor am I able does any of the merchants tell me anything about about the villa.

I'm not able to progress with Charis even after talking to her many times. nor am I able does any of the merchants tell me anything about about the villa

I can't seem to find two specific items in any of the market places. The items I can't find are Imported Incense and Fine Silk.

Who do I talk to to upgrade my Villa? I got all the materials needed.

Any console commands or cheats

I would like to make a suggestion that we should be able expand our compound so that we could collect more followers. I find that 11 followers are not enough.

Figured it out you need to increase their mind stat

It would be cool if we could convert captives into guests after breaking them in. I would like to give one of my captives more freedom without releasing her.

How do I increase Will in my captives and recruits?

How do I access the new content? Do I have to start all over or will my old save file work? How do I go to town and meet Gertrude?

Ok thank you

Is this game dead? I haven't heard of any updates in awhile.

Is there a way to get more than one wife?

how do I visit the people I supposedly recruited from battle?

I noticed that even when I meet the criteria of turning my follower into a breeder it usually turns them into a fanatic instead

I noticed you can't converse with captives, even the new ones. It would be great if there was a way to convert them into regular followers or some kind of slave.

Thank you so much