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A member registered Feb 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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I have considered this, I was unsure on how to do it I would imagine Id need tohave have player 2 be a controller/gamepad but will see well production goes!

I have been busy but I will be posting an update 0.8.2 in the next few weeks (fingers crossed)

Thanks! The next update should be available soon with improved gameplay and visuals. I am the only one working on this do it's taken much longer than expected to get the update released but I don't want to release something that I'm not fully proud of! 

Thanks for your support I appreciate all the live the community has shown my little game :) 

thanks! its making slow but steady progress I should hopefully be able to release an update soon as I just need to make the character select stuff work for the othert team and fix the broken animations :)

yeah very sad that fan stuff was shut down, im hoping thats only due to ad revenue meaning creators made money. It did cause me to stop development shortly since I orignally posted this project before the big legal issues came but I have since not received any contact regarding my work so far so Id say im lucky or havent had any reason to be given warnings etc

I have tried my best to follow theirIntellectual Property Guidelines e.g. make it clear that this is unofficial project with no-charge digital distribution etc. 
I would be happy to arrange to get a licence from Games Workshop to develop the project freely perhaps by re uploading with more content under said licence, but until they contact me or the project gains significant views/downloads etc then I dont expect any issues in the short term

Hope that makes sense and thanks for the interaction and interest of my little project :)

Im hoping to have the next update out soon, currently working on a couple levels and putting the ork models in (animations are hard work) I should hopefully be releasing a video update by the end of the month so keep an eye out and thanks for your support!

I do plan to do preset colours and selectable icons, doing full colour customisation is hard to design. Finishing up model work was a priority, sorting out game code in hopes for a big re-release by the end of April (fingers crossed)

Progress has been great since Ive started a new job. I've gone from 1-2 days to now 6 sometimes 7 days a week getting to work on this project!
Im hoping to finally release 8.2 next month (with any luck), new update coming soon too so keep an eye out :)

I try my best to answer all questions on here and I appreciate all of them :)

Of course! the plan is to hopefully have all the major factions when the game is a full release. I do not plan to do just have the faction classes have same stats with a different skin/mesh, each faction will play differently.
Examples include the Orks will not be able to aim down sights and Eldar being physically faster as it fits with the characters in the 40k universe

Thanks for the feedback!
I have plans to do something similar to what you suggest by having a similar system to 40k: space marine where you can chose armour sets etc
I want to have 3 playable factions in the next big update after 8.3, adding orks and chaos space marines. Making the models is taking longer than expected but I should hopefully have the Astartes and Ork characters done by the end of the year.

Im grateful for comments like yours and people interest in my little project and have plenty of motivation to make this come to life due to the support ive gotten this year

I have zero intention of signing anything as of now, the plan is that when I have made it a more fleshed out game I will contact GW for the liecence fee I would need to pay for permission to publish the game, possibly publish and sell in the distant future.

thank you for your interest in my little fan game :)

Thank you for your feeback, the audio of the game is a big focus I plan to develop correctly so that weapons, music and sound effects have the proper 'umf' and not have he current place holder effects which I agree sound a bit weak for the theme of the game. I am developing a few maps too including a trench one like you suggest, there is a basic storyline in the works too so that there is a reason for the levels that you play etc. 

This project is still in development, though I am having to work on 95% my self at the moment so progress is abit slow but comments like this give me great motivation to put more hours into it where I can.

Thank you for your support :)

Thanks for your feedback :)

I do plan on making this a feature in the future, will likely be a few versions later as my 3d modelling skills arent as developed as my programming skills.

More delays unfortunately, but this is still being worked on. Decided to upgrade the current multiplayer system as well as making some maps. Slow progress there as my 3d modelling and texturing skills are a bit rusty. Hoping to have a new release next month with any luck. 

Thank you for your support and interest :) 

Slow progress unfortunately but I'm hoping to have a new version out before the end of the month with any luck! 

Thank you for your valuable feedback :)

I did plan on doing some of these in future updates. Currently working on a better looking map now, still learning while this project goes along.  These changes arent too difficult to do as well I just need to find time to do it. 

Hoping for a big update before the end of the year!

Thanks for the feedback, I'll add it in the next update for testing 👍

it's very early  in development stages but I wanted to get a playable demo done.
Comments like these help motivate me to work on it more :)