lorewise female hyenas rape for dominance with that thing they’re damn near men lmao
Recent community posts
Personally the vitamin and alpha omega mechanics are eh they don't really do anything and the semen collector job is pretty limiting because you can't be a janitor after and repetitive to be quite honest, some unique dialogue between clients would be awesome and keep away from the repetitive nature. Also there's more than one way to skin a cat if you catch my drift, you got a world of possibilities as far as "semen collection"
Try pressing the “serve clients” button before talking to anyone in the flat you’ll see what I mean. Same with chi it’s hit or miss on if it happens or not but typically it hits you when you least want it. And by “easily skippable” I rather mean it’s not particularly game breaking just annoying. Sorry for confusion that’s that post nut haze lol
prostitution scenes and chi kinda get a bit buggy ngl like they show up when I’m trying to talk to someone else. Easily skippable and at least doesn’t take me back to the main menu but it’s a tad annoying sometimes especially when I’m talking to the landlord or Claire. Other than that pretty fucking awesome I just busted a fat nut playing this with a butt plug. Also moar Francis and Todd please and thank you. 🙏