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A member registered Nov 18, 2020

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The good:

  • Honestly, I love the artwork, the colors are great.
  • Choices actually seem to have some impact
  • For the most part, doesn't go out of its way to call the other side bad.
  • writing made me laugh several times.
  • Somehow made me not hate the lobbiest and the immigration advisor, by actually having them bring up good points from time to time.

The bad:

  • Most likely as a product of there only being two choices, there come parts where you can either do one unreasonable thing or another unreasonable thing, which I dislike.
  • National debt doesn't seem to have much of a consequence. 
  • Overly corny at time (EX: "Donald Skunk")
  • I don't find the music to match with the visuals very well.

The ugly:

  • This game seems to exist mostly to just make democratic socialists happy, and I don't think is going to convince anyone that isn't already a democratic socialist that democratic socialism is going to work.

Overall: 7/10 better than  I expected from such a politically focused game.

The paid cosmetics are in the game to support the creators. Making them free would defeat the purpose of them.

they are making accounts so you can report unacceptable behavior like that. If you are very worried about it I suggest finding another game for your child to play  until the account system is up.

Yea, I already use keyboard on moblie using some methods. It plays the same as PC. I see no advantage, I just prefer keyboard over touch controls.