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A member registered Nov 07, 2015

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I got it working.  I used the command line to extract it instead.  Probably issue on my end.

(2 edits)

Am I the only one having issues opening the archive file?
I've downloaded my-family-farm-win.zip three times and through different browsers.   
Also it's marked as 4GBs but when I download it it's 5.1GBs. 🤔


As a Linux user I'm disappointed to read this.  
I do appreciate you focusing on portable systems in the future though.

There's a point where I'm instructed to talk to the mother in the kitchen on a Tuesday or Thursday but when I go the option is greyed out.  I'm wondering if I'm missing something or I've hit the end of the progress.

That's cool.  I was unaware!

Woohoo!  Just tried it and it works great!

(2 edits)

Was looking for this game just a couple minute after you had mentioned it in your "Don't Get Addicted to Upgrading!" video and couldn't find it.  Glad I finally did.  Most Unity games I find play fine on my Linux desktop.  No Linux release though.  That's right.  I'm here to be the Linux complainer. :D  

EDIT: inb4 :: blocked ::

(2 edits)

What are the cheats?
Not even sure what money does in this game.

Just found 'em:

bounceonmyboy = Max Money
givemetheladies = All RP points maxed.
rosebud = All scenes unlocked.
whoamama = Lorraine Scenes Unlocked
#girlboss = Kim Scenes Unlocked
greenthumb = Lily Scenes Unlocked
galsinblue = Ramirez Scenes Unlocked
blondesrbetter = Patty Scenes Unlocked
thebigmeanie = Degredation Points Maxed
motherearth = Lorraine x Lily Points Maxed
givemegothgf = All Charlotte Scenes Unlocked

Click on the pool area door in the kitchen.

(3 edits)

Well I finished Artemis 0.1.2 on Linux.    
Pretty good. 
I enjoy the characters. 
Where are the new chapters?

EDIT: Oh I see it. Artemis 0.4.1a

This game is Linux compatible.     
Why not list it as such?
I didn't consider playing this until I saw an appreciation post on Reddit.
Saw it was Windows and Android only.   
Downloaded anyway and ran it on my Linux box.
Works great.

How is this .exe meant to be played on Linux?

There was a part where a teacher was almost killed and the student meets with the teacher after and says something along the lines of "I'm glad you weren't killed.  If you were our education would have few prospects."   I was like, "What?! How am I supposed to interpret this ?  Is this kid a psychopath?"

chmod u+x Dokumente/VelCensored-pc/lib/linux-x86_64/VelCensored.sh

Then try again.

Any progress?

> linux support stopped

Any word on why this happened?

> Is not a district

wth?  Never heard that one before.

What command are you running exactly?     

If I'm understanding your comment the command should be something like:

VelCensored.sh should not exist in Dokumente/VelCensored-pc/lib/linux-x86_64/

I'm pretty sure
VelCensored.sh is a bash script that runs Dokumente/VelCensored-pc/lib/linux-x86_64/VelCensored  <- which is *not* the same as /Dokumente/VelCensored-pc/VelCensored.sh

If you've been renaming files - like VelCensored -> VelCensored.sh then I recommend you just delete the file structure and uncompress the archive again.

Then run "/Dokumente/VelCensored-pc/VelCensored.sh" again and let me know the output.

When you asked about my resolution I was like, "Hmmm what will happen if I attempt to run the game on my extended desktop (1680x1050)?"  I set that monitor to my primary screen and ran the game.  It works!  Works great, exactly as intended - BOTH 'Quit' and 'Fullscreen' buttons work!  So I think, "It's gotta be my (1920x1200) monitor's fault." I switch back to test again on the troubled monitor!  And it works fine!  :: visible confusion ::  I just want to apologize.  Definitely a workstation issue.  Not sure which configuration settings change when swapping primary monitors but that was the key.  Just switching back and forth fixed it.  Sorry for sending us on a wild goose chase!

(2 edits)

EDIT: Alrighty...this is [SOLVED].
I'll explain in my next comment.

OS: Linux Mint 21 x86_64
Kernel: 5.15.0-67-generic
Shell: bash 5.1.16
1920x1200 <- This is the monitor the game runs on
1680x1050 <- This is my extended desktop
DE: Cinnamon 5.4.12
WM: Mutter
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X (16) @ 3.800GHz
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 5600 OEM/5600 XT / 5700/5700 XT
Memory: 26606MiB / 64244MiB

I have a ton of programs running in the background but I doubt that is the issue. I will try after a fresh reboot and get back to you.

I've not had issues with other Unity games afaik, but I will be paying attention to that in the future.  The fullscreen button in the webapp version above works as intended.  I'm running Firefox 110.0.1 (64-bit). Likewise it works in Chromium 111.0.5563.64.  Of course the 'quit' button doesn't appear in that webapp version so cannot test it.

Oh my goodness - I think you cracked the case.

I just like it when game devs support linux.
Of course I will help any way I can!

Just downloaded & ran 'Royal Dance v1.1.1 HD - Linux'
Unfortunately it suffers the same issue as v1.1.0.
....*but* here's some info that hopefully may help you:
It's as if the buttons are not buttons.  
For all the other buttons there's a little white circle that appears when the cursor hovers over the button.
That white circle slightly brightens / becomes more solid when the mouse button is depressed.
The quit and fullscreen buttons have no white circle when the cursor hovers over them.
Literally nothing noticeable happens when you hover over or click the quit / fullscreen buttons.
They never change at all.
I've clicked around them to see if maybe the actual button is just hidden/shifted somewhere but haven't found anything.
Hopefully that's useful.

Would be awesome to have a way to invert Y-axis aiming.

(1 edit)

Linux version runs.
Great animation.
The settings/gear button works.
The eye button works.
The Information button works.
The bra button works.

The red Power/Quit button on the right does not work - clicking it does nothing.
The orange Fullscreen/Windowed mode button (I'm assuming that's what it is supposed to do) does not work - clicking it does nothing afaik.    
Had to kill the process via terminal because there's no way that I could see to get it to a windowed mode.

Not sure how to play.  Is there a download button?

(1 edit)

This is a good metroidvania game.
The atmosphere is fantastic.
Power progression is good.
Controller support was responsive and fantastic.
Some odd sprite animations - including main character.

This game does not appear to be functioning.
All I see is:
Level: 5
Lives: 3
Score: 2000

(1 edit)

I read your comment when I left mine above.  I thought your comment/assessment might just be overly harsh but this dialogue is atrocious.  Definitely not the same writer as Season 1.  Also not written by someone with English as their first language.  In terms of screenwriting dialogue it's also bad.  Your example isn't even the worst one I've read.  There's a *lot* of unnatural dialogue in this novel.

Any chance this (or Shadow Wrangler or Explobers) can be ported to Linux?

Already playing it.  What a great game!

And quite happy to pay for Season 1 twice to support the development. 

Some thoughts: The way other visual novels like 'College Bound' handle unsuccessful import is just run the player through all the consequential choices they've made.  Ask the player about their choices in a very quick format.  And it's even better because if I didn't like my choices my first run through I can change 'em. 

OR just provide more information as to what the Export function is doing - I'm sure that "New note: success" was making some file.  I could move the file it was generating if I knew where it was.  I don't mind jumping through a few hoops and solving a mystery when I have the time...but I paid $10.75 on Steam and then just now $20.60 on itch.  Please - next time just tell me what the export is doing.

(7 edits)

Ok....so I *think* this worked.
My old steam installation was here:
/home/UltimaPapazov/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/Lust Academy/

I created
/home/UltimaPapazov/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/Lust Academy 2/ <- just guessed what this folder should be called.
Extracted the itch.io Season 2 files to that folder.  Ran the Season 1 install via Steam, performed the Load screen export. "New notice: success" Closed out.  Opened Season 2 "/home/UltimaPapazov/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/Lust\ Academy\ 2/Lust-Academy-2.sh" via command line.  New Game -> import was there. 
:: phew ::

(3 edits)

[SOLVED] Trouble importing from Season 1 to Season 2.

So I bought Season 1 on Steam and played through and want to import a Steam save to (itch.io purchased) Season 2.
I've purchased the itch.io bundle of Season 1 and Season 2.

Steam keeps saying the export is successful ("New notice: success" or something like that) when I run the Export function on the Load screen.
But likely because the games are not in the prescribed Steam file structure nothing is imported. 
At least I'm assuming that's the issue.

So I had the brilliant idea of just installing Season 1 from the itch.io and copying the saves folder from the Steam install into the Season 1 itch.io install.  So now both Lust-Academy-0.7.1f-pc and Lust-Academy-2-1.6.1d-pc are in the same parent folder.  All the saves appear in the Load screen of the Season 1 itch.io installation when I get to the Load screen of Season 1 to perform the export.  THOUGH when I perform the export I get a message that says, "New notice: fail".  :[

(1 edit)

How did you import from Steam to the itch.io install?    
I'm attempting to do the same thing.
When I use the Season 1 Export function it says it's successful but when I run Season 2 no file is found.

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Whoa!  Thank you!

EDIT:  this is just an fyi.  No need to take action because the game works.

The game works when I run ./nw
after I run:
chmod +x chrome_crashpad_handler
chmod +x nw

For whatever reason ./Game.sh throws an error.
"bash: ./Game.sh: /usr/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory"

I *think* this is because Game.sh was created on a Windows machine and adds some invisible characters to the .sh file that bash doesn't like. Game.sh is 70bytes.  When I recreate the file it's 66 bytes ....anyway it's not an issue.

Copying and pasting the contents of Game.sh to a new file that I called GameX.sh, saving, making it executable with 'chmod +x GameX.sh' and running that instead fixed the problem.  Also just running nw works. :D
chmod +x nw chrome_crashpad_handler
I haven't had time to play it past the main character entering his new apartment but I'm enthusiastic!

Usually when I see a Windows, Mac, *and* Mobile version available I just assume the Windows version includes a executable Linux version.  Bit disappointing that it wasn't there.  Didn't tinker too much or attempt to get it running in WINE, but going through the picture folders was fun!  Looks like a good game.  Reminds me a bit of Little Man.

(1 edit)

Just tested and this runs just fine on Linux.
Download the VelCensored-pc.zip version.
Open a Terminal and run VelCensored.sh.
You must include the full file path to VelCensored.sh.
Hope this helps.

Open a terminal and run the Dual_Family.sh file.
So if you extracted the archive to your Desktop you'd run: