Hey Simon, I'm Cody Hanson: the same guy who wrote Boomslang.
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FYI to anyone who has already downloaded the files: I made a few minor corrections as I was reviewing the files today:
- Corrections on a few page numbers.
- Converted the page size to A4. I'm a crazy American who is used to Letter size, but the guy who is running the game jam/gamebook zine is British (I think). So... you're welcome Simon!
- Clarifications for the Demolition class. Hopefully it will be a little less confusing to play now.
If I missed anything else please let me know!
This. Was. Awesome!
When I first saw the stats I was worried that it was going to use an over-complicated D&D-like stat system, but I was pleasantly surprised with your simple, yet effective system (although some stats were clearly better than others).
This adventure was short, to the point, and there was a lot packed in. My only critique was that after a while the battles started feeling tedious. However, that might be because I got lost a lot of the time and ran into guards at the same area repeatedly (which I suppose is appropriate for the theme).
Your use of 'Key' was great; not only was the powersuit the key to winning the war, but it was key to blasting your way out of the base. I noticed you also had an electric key in the story; there were a lot of keys.
I liked the way you layered the paragraphs to handle 3, 2, or 1 guards at a time, and getting the powersuit felt AMAZING.
10 out of 10 - would powersuit again!
This was a REALLY good entry. I like how you kept things simple with the battle system, but had a few classes with different powers. If the player had a physical copy it seems like the maps would work well if the player used spare change as tokens (pennies and nickels).
I played through this as the Fighter and had a lot of fun using the hammer to knock over things on the map (and take out enemies in the process). The other classes look fun too.
The gamebook would benefit from a little more art, but I can see the awesome core of it shining through regardless. Well done. =)
Good sense of mystery, but I was unsure of what the end goal was that I was trying for. I guess visiting all the doors and windows? I just randomly wandered around without purpose and noticed there were a lot of chairs.
There was a little too much going on in the rules for me. I guarantee that I messed it up on several occasions.
After hitting time marker 20 things reset on me and I lost interest then stopped reading. Sorry. =(
This one was good, but tough! I made it to week 8 before my stubborn vault occupants decided they'd had enough and overwhelmed the guards (only to meet their untimely deaths). Seriously, I rolled a 6 on almost every security check. I'm sorry to say it, but those unruly people totally deserved what they got.