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A member registered Jan 03, 2023

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(1 edit)


Speaking of the wish, was I supposed to know what to put in for "what do you wish for" the second time around? Did I miss something?

i googled "over rated' and got here

Anders ny beloved

good to know, thx

(1 edit)

bjorn mentioned i love his cute little face in the thumbnail aaaa

Yeah I think so

10th or 11th, i think, i forgot how many awoos the early release rally got

leave it to me to softlock myself

the begining scene is a dream, Arvo has a crush on Rune, so he dreamt he kissed him

im not mad or anything but why not just use stock photos?

the saturated clothes were to give off a tropical feel to his charater because of where he lives


there are a couple choices that won't have  him as an option, do whatever there

When he flirts with you, accept the flirting and/or flirt back, and when there's an option with (torluf) on it, take it.


Wait when was there an option to get in his room

You reach his route by hanging out with him, for his three paths, you just hand out and agree with him to different levels (agreeing with Mikko, stopping his advances, ect)

i wanna know when the next Klause update is ;-;

what part do you need help with?

bjorn's route, figure it out from there :3

(1 edit)

i like the new sprites in some ways, but i have a major complaint and two minor ones.

RUNE - what did they do to him? it like comepletly changed his whole vibe, he looks... meaner?

minor complaints:

also,  the outlines are a bit too thin on the sprites, making things blend in a weird way, unlike the thicker outlines where it  was clear where things were and where they end.

and the angle of Travis's head is weird...

and the shading, the shading makes them not fit as well against every background, because of how... warm? it is, and it's not even consistant, the white on on Jorgan and Lake are shaded completly diffrently from each other, like they have two different lights on them

i think a lot of the expressions are a lot better on these sprites, though.

*overall* it's an upgrade but i'd like to see them edited a bit.


i saw that, i didn't get the reffrence a year ago when i started reading, then i was reading the new update and realized what that was!

ulti5, thank you!

can i plz get the file through discord or smth


ooooh click him... I was looking for some sort of hidden choice lol

can someone give me a hint on how to do the "mystrerious figure" things

Some of my saves from 6.2.2 aren't working in 7, especially the later saves

Am I supposed to do the charater episdoes in a certain order or time? or should i do them whenever