Thank you very much for playing the game, I take your comments into account, I hope that when the final product is out it meets your expectations!
BloodHound Studio
Creator of
Recent community posts
Hello! Thank you very much for your comment, I will soon update this chapter by fixing some more errors, such as that some enemies can make the player leave the map, or extra additions, it turns out that I have been working on chapter 2, in addition to that I have been with other projects .
With this update that I will upload (Between today and tomorrow), I fix that error and add some extra things for the end of the chapter, I invite you to follow me on Instagram so you can see the updates about the game ♥
Seriously, thanks for playing ♥, the game has a bug with the resolution that I will correct soon, where at the beginning and at the end a prologue and a continuation are shown, to fix it, press alt + enter to enter windowed mode, and then press again alt + enter to enter full screen mode in the monitor's native resolution and you will be able to see it.