Any plans for first person WG? Like how in Savouring sword you can see your breasts/belly in the later stages.
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Tried to play game through the itch launcher and got this error:
Unable to parse Build/! This can happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response Header "Content-Encoding: br" present. Check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug.
So I beat the game and did everything that I could so I got bored and made her weigh 0kilos lmao
On one hand I'm not surprised that doing this does nothing but on the other I'm a bit disappointed, it would have been funny to get something for going against the game.
Oh and you can also get her to basically become antimatter because you can weigh negative kilos lmao
Love the idea but this is REALLY difficult on higher refresh rates, to the point of being basically impossible. This should be fixed, it would be nice to play this on 240hz like I usually play games on instead of having to change my monitor to 60hz. It would be nice to have a gallery where you can look at different inflation stages without any gameplay. You could maybe unlock each stage once you reach them in the game.
This is actually one of if not my most favorite game for the 2020 GameJam. I am surprised this game isn't further up. I really hope this gets worked on more and can be expanded. That's not to say this game is without it's flaws tho.
1. The randomness really makes the game better in most cases, the true last phase completely ruins it. While I understand the idea is to defeat the 3 lesser gods to defeat the final god that doesn't excuse the fact that it is stupid annoying. Power god can 1 shot you if he does boost then his attack (I forgot the name). Healing God can 1 shot if he uses his attack and Special God is just plain annoying.
2. There is literally no point changing your ID. Excluding being forced to change your ID on bosses. Out of the entire game the only point where you ever have to change your ID is in the 2nd level of Political life, where you have to become the plane to get across the water.
3. There really isn't much replayability, sure you can try a variety of different sets but it's literally impossible to beat parts of the with just any move. On top of that, once you beat the game every way possible there isn't really a reason to ever play the game again.
4. The final god bossfight is literally the easiest fight in the game, I mean sure you could try to beat it without the other 3 god's powers but from my playthroughs that is impossible. There is literally no point to the fight.
1. For the power god, change boost to a different special move. For the healing god, i'm not sure. For the special god, you could change Fenir to change every move except for the previous move into GO. Or for all 3 you could make it less likely they uses their respective god move.
2. Give every (or at least some) enemies a unique feature that allows you to a certain thing you could not previously do. (Like how planes can fly) The make it required to change your ID into something else to continue.
3. While i'm not entirely sure, I do have some ideas. You could add a Hard Mode where it's like before the update (Stealing half HP and not able see what the enemy does next). Adding some form of endless mode or even adding optional stuff like collectibles and achievements.
4. Make thee boss's moves unable to be turned into go and give other (new) moves instead of just everything be instant kill, maybe for a good twist even make it so it attacks first instead of you.
Overall, this is a really fun RPG game with a very unique twist but I would really like to see these things fixed/changes and just have the game be generally expanded. Also if you want, I personally really would like to help with this game or even just modding the game. So if you don't mind, consider either sending me current source code on either Discord (UltraNinja#1666) or via e-mail ( or updating the source code you have for download.