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A member registered Apr 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really enjoyed this game. The end was especially cool, enjoyed seeing the room from above. Lighting and sound design were excellent.

I enjoyed the little sign that warned about spikes! The game crashes for me when I enter the portal.


Hey, just an update I found and fixed the issue with HTML exports, the issue was that the load time for the beats was slower than the music, added a delay before the game starts which fixes this issue, thanks for the help!

Thanks for the feedback! There are quite a few things that I would fix given more time, the beatmaps were not perfect as they were made with very limited tools, (wrote a beatmap maker) I also think there is some issue with unity WebGL export that makes the music slightly off, may be some issue in my code though. I 100% agree with it not going with the theme well, kind of just got carried away making the game without thinking about it too much. I'm still happy with how it turned out so that is all that really matters.
I would never hate someone for giving constructive criticism.

Looks great! You guys did so well! Can't wait to see what the other teams did.