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Original Unautiсna

A member registered May 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Простая 3D графика популярное решение.

Сетинг Модерн популярный сетинг.




1 Как бы я застрял прокликав все интеракции посмотрем монстраи куда он перемешаеться.

2 Игра иногда под фризивала были у игры жоские тормоза иза моих тысечи приложений запущеных ну прекрасно.

3 Вау это игра на само писном движке как круто!


Спасибо что создал эту игру!

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Простая 3D Графика популярное решение.

Сетинг модерн поулярный сеттинг.




1 Инвентированая мышь для поворота это не управление.

2 Подарок невсегда захатаываеться  не приятно.

3 подскаль зование об объекты корорые должны издовать другие звуки и вообще не которые обекты не должны быть обектом спотыкания.


Спасибо что создал эту игру! Молодец!

вот обзор



Простая 3D графика популяроне решение.

Сетинг кладбище на летающих оствоах необычнй сетинг.




1 я не разобрался как отключить барьер.

2 хотел бы возможности скипнуть все диалоги они долгие.

3 я удивлён багов не обнаружил.


Спасибо что создал эту игру!

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Скриншот бага



Простая 3Д графика популярное решение.

Сетинг космос популярный сетинг.




1 Уменя планеты врываються от увиличения промышлености на пранете что говорит о том что планета умирает иза производств на ней это да но не реалистично резко ну даладно ок приму это.

2 если вовремя диалога умрёт 2 планеты ты уйдёшь в нервану планет не будет а ты продолжишь играть с миллиоными ресурсами в игре на тёмном плане существуя но и нет это просто 100+.

3 Очень передано реалистично овешениепланеты овешены имено от центра и задняя часть абсолютно чёрная.}

Спасибо что создал игру молодец!

Вот ссылка 



Простая 3Д популярное решение это много кто делает.

Сеттинг Светлый мир популярный сеттинг.




1 Не обычное управление ф и в это вроде перемещение. а тут поворот. не думаю о нужности таких от хождений от шаблонов.

2 Перед припядствиями игрок не идёт это осздаёт трудности перемещения.

3 Через не которые текстуры можно пройти мжно серето там напихать.


Спасибо что создал эту игру!

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Графика 3Д популярное решение.

Сетинг сободно радикльное решение.




1 Мне нарвиться ондго в играх от анрила конпка ф11 уменьшение разрешения у меня иначе лагало.

2 Необычный мостр песонаж мне нравиться но хотелось одного чтоб он был умнее чють!

3 локация сделана простоватенько без обид пару декораций непомешало бы!


спасибо что создал игру!

вот обзор 

кнопка не нажиманться тестируй те проэкты перед пуликацией извинитеза беспокойство удачи!



Простая 3Д графика популярное решение.

Сетинг лес модерн популярный сетинг.




1. прикольная игра мне понравилась за жигать костер который злой.

2. скаждым разом огонь всё слабее и слабее это не обычно.

3. ночь впикольное время суток довольно класное для такой хоррор игры.

4. почему ёлки такие минималистичные из модерн сетига выбиваеться атак всё норм.


Спасибо что создал эту игру!

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Простая 2Д графика популярное решение но выгляднт не обычно довольно редко так игры выглядят.

Сетинг биология мой любимымй сетинг популярное решение.




1 На всех 6 уровнях игры лёгкая на последнем супер сложно.

2 не плохое разнообразие противников лейкоциты антитела и красные клетки крови с липучками и пыгучками.

3 есть своловые клетки которые если виркс разазит он размножиться а мозг человек кенчиться.


спасибо что создал эту игру!

Вот обзор 



Beautiful 3D graphics Popular solution.

Seting Forest with evil stones that is trying to kill me.




1 WAU in the game there are elevations from which it is convenient to exterminate stones.

2 I like to shoot at an unrelated type of opponents.

3 gibleted always in a vospreed point to sleep.


Thank you for creating this game!

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Beautiful 3D graphics Popular solution.

Seting gloomy factory I like this setting.




1 I sewed a little and stopped on one puzzle without going through the view time.

2 I like the gloomy october, she all the core conveys to the stone calmness of this metal and not treason.

3 class cool notes, I liked them, but they would have a fabricly lick one, I couldn’t understand her, she was in the place of a white canister.


Thank you for creating this game!

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(1 edit)



Beautiful 3D graphics are a popular solution.

The cartoon setting is a really popular setting.




1 I liked the unusual spell with a bubble; if you set it on fire under gas, it will explode.

2 and if you push on the bubble it will throw it up.

3 but how so why if the lizard jumps on its spikes I take damage!


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Beautiful 3D graphics are a popular solution - but it lags a little for me.

The modern setting is a really popular setting.




1 combination of A and 5 nights Freddy is very cool! I am completely nostalgic and love this concept! but no more than all the popular content.

2 saving Kiril from being imprisoned in animatronics is a very cool slogan! although not fully thought out.

3 I liked the models in the cutscene, I’ve never seen anything like it!


Thank you for creating this game!

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Beautiful 3D graphics are a popular solution - but it lags a little for me.

The modern setting is a popular setting.




1 I find it fun to pick mushrooms. It’s a pity that everything is laggy, but the author has corrected everything, we have to wait, he’s probably already correcting it.

2 Cool book: look at mushrooms and write down fly mushrooms.

and then you collect and sell.

3 It’s cool that the player doesn’t exist in the forest forever.


Thank you for creating this game!

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Simple 3D Graphics is a popular solution. Everyone uses this solution.

Fantasy setting popular setting setting. Everyone uses this solution.




1 I passed a very complex labyrinth, even with cheats, to slow down time!

2 Cool idea of magic crystals for opening magic doors.

3 small viewing angle I was very annoyed, I had trouble finding my way around the labyrinth, yet this game brought me pleasure even when I beat it with cheats!


Thank you for creating this game!

Here is the Review



Simple 2D Graphics is a popular solution. Everyone uses this solution.

Fantasy setting popular setting setting. Everyone uses this solution.




1 A very unusual platformer.

2 Spikes are a cool mechanic! they are to die for!

3 Cool water physics! I like it!


Thank you for creating this game!

Here is the Review



Simple 3D Graphics is a popular solution. Everyone uses this solution.

Setting biology stomach is a rare setting in biology you rarely see!




1 I liked going to the cutleteon, it’s a cool ride.

2 I liked cutting viruses with a knife, this game reminded me of Ultrakill and my very long stalled project!

3 Cool pseudo 2-dimensional graphics, this is very unusual.

4 I can eat enemies and damage my health!


Thank you for creating this game!

Here is the Review



Simple 3D graphics are a popular solution.

Setting Modern setting is a very popular setting that does not conflict with the present and reality.




1 Skol on a computer build works slowly.

2 Sometimes buyers disappear and do not come until the reboot.

3 there is no button to reset the saved game, I needed to reset it, I had to look in the game pack on C/.

4 The boxes change size after placement, but this is how it was intended, but it does not interfere with the game.

5 When selling a shelf, the contents are not taken into account.

6 Paintings or posters do not deduct anything from money after installation.

7 in the price tag there is no way to write an adequate fractional price - only integers.

8 lighting lamps do not have lighting, well, at least they made a translucent model of the accumulated dust in the air.

9 I don't like all the shortcomings of the game.


Thank you for creating this game!

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Simple 3D graphics are a popular solution.

Setting No, because these are just default figures from the smallest box of the engine.




Since this game is made on nodes, it was not made poorly, and the quality is fully consistent with the minimum.

Cube is a cool popular character, he collects coins.

Why in the game tutorial A and D you don’t have to guess, it’s not necessary, thank you, of course, but why would you rather collect coins? You didn’t guess or press the button, oh okay.


Thank you for creating this game!

Here is the review



Beautiful 2D graphics are a popular solution.

Anime fantasy setting is a popular setting.




Wow, this game was full of cheats, I have super zero skill in everything but I finished it, it’s funny that I lost with cheats.

I defeated all the bosses of the first chapter and I liked it.

In general, it was cool that I beat the game at the last level with 0 HP.


Thanks for creating the game!

Here is the review

Очень залипательный ассет



Beautiful 3D graphics DOES NOT lag the popular solution.

The anime setting is a popular setting.




Wow, I don’t know what kind of anime this is, but I liked the world of this anime, it’s very unusual and I couldn’t figure out how to get the owl.

Cool cutscene with the sword being pulled out of the stone.

The game has strange obilisks and portals that are activated by hitting the left mouse button.

The hares are endless so that the player always walks in childlike tension, but one day they will come up to each other’s backs.

It’s very funny how fast they move, their spawn form is like a rope.


Thanks for creating the game!

Here is the review



Beautiful 3D graphics are a popular solution.

The modern setting is a popular setting.




A cool camel simulator despite the engine with ultra-heavy graphics.

The game has a lot of cool skins and large locations.

There is a survival mode, the game can be completed and even on such an engine it is good.

There are giant camels, it’s very fantastic, I just wanted them to do something other than stand, but that’s not that important.

There are a lot of knoceptors in the game, it’s cool.

The graphics don't glitch much and don't change much.


Thanks for creating the game!

Here is the review



Simple 3D graphics are a popular solution.

The modern-tundra setting is a rare setting.




There are keys in the game, it’s cool to open the door and go through it.

The character can freeze correctly according to the setting, but after death the cursor remains blocked, please correct this defect.

Cool Konad ball, I liked moving it.


Thanks for creating the game!

Here is the review



Simple 3D graphics are a popular solution.

The setting is science fiction, a popular setting.




Wow I really liked the game a lot of blood guts and shooting.

You can scratch all the enemies on the map, it's cool.

It’s not an ordinary plot, I like that we are being countered.

The lab looks cool.


Thank you for creating this game!

Here is the link to the review



Simple 3D graphics are a popular solution.

Fantasy setting is a popular setting.




A small optimization for my old computer did not fit, but everything turned out quite simple and warm.

Daush bug goat I haven’t seen this bug in a long time, it’s cool that there is this bug that allows you to climb walls.

Mnstr can only run away, what did I do to him, that he is always running away from me, I don’t know, I wanted a more aggressive monster, at least so that if I approached from the front, he would react and not just stand there like a creeper.

And I really liked the castati class training.

My computer menu is weak for it, please optimize it.


Thank you for creating this game!

Here is the link to the review



Simple 2D graphics are a popular solution.

The fantasy setting is a popular setting.




Wow, it wasn't that easy for me to record this game but I did it.

It is not usual that normal HP is initially available but is not installed in the form of the player’s shields.

I liked the game very much, you can get stuck in it for a long time.

improvements are simple: 2 shields, 2 pistols for 1000, even for 0 you can afford 1 shield 1 pistol.

By the way, the stars are animated very well, I like them.

The opponents have such a wide variety of attacks.


Thank you for creating this game!

Here is the link to the review



Simple 3D graphics are a popular solution.

The fantasy setting is a popular setting.




It’s very cool that this game doesn’t lag at all, despite the fact that it’s written in Arial, I’m very surprised!

By the way, very addictive gameplay, you can get stuck on this for a long time!


Thank you for creating this game!

Here is the link to the review



Simple 3D graphics are a popular solution.

The fantasy setting is a popular setting.

Voxel style is a popular style.




A cool survival game where you can survive and become stronger.

Of course, crafts are a little expensive, but this is not so bad because it makes the player survive longer, and also in the game there is a strong inflation of their cost, but oh well, it will be more fun.

Yes, I don’t have such a fast computer that it’s easier to play it, but the optimization surprised me, because I didn’t expect Anrial Engine.


Thank you for creating this game!

Here is the link to the review



Simple 3D graphics are a popular solution.

The fantasy setting is a popular setting.




It's a very beautiful game, but I wish it was a little more interesting, please.

The game has fog which suits the atmosphere of the game very well.

There is no music in the game, which is good because I can turn on any music I like.


Thank you for creating this game!

Here is the link to the review



Simple 3D graphics are a popular solution.

The fantasy setting is a popular setting.




An unusual game, I liked playing through it and figuring out the physical puzzles.

It’s very cool that the engine of this game is good, I really like this engine for its great innovation.

By the way, the shader with reflection really creates a lot of atmosphere.


Thank you for creating this game!

Here is the link to the review



Simple 2D graphics are a popular solution.

The fantasy setting is a popular setting.




Cool game, it's a pity that aliens don't have blood after death.

The menu interface is beautifully made and not ordinary.

There is little fear that the file will be flagged as a virus.

The game has a cool soundtrack, which I didn’t specifically cover with left music in the review, okay, in a virtual machine I advise you to play a cool game if you’re too scared.


Thank you for creating this game!

Here is the review



Beautiful 3D graphics are a popular solution.

The fantasy setting is a popular setting.




Prostate action game in one square has advantages, the game was easy to go to.

It’s cool that trees detect me and understand me.

As a graphical demo it looks beautiful.


Thank you for creating this game!

Here is the review



Simple 3D graphics are a popular solution.

The setting is a zombie apocalypse construction site, a cool combination.




I liked the sharpness of the movements and the speed of the mouse; it turned out just great.

I'm not much of a fan of shooters, so it was fun to shoot.

The game has a choice of depth, which is what I liked the most.


Thank you for creating this game!

Here is the review

(4 edits)

CoolGame I also wanted to show you a review of your game, but I went too far with the preview! ++ myth hunter ++ the video is called that from Unauticna.look on YouTube but don't cut yourself, there's a pretty cool snippet there



Simple 2D graphics are a popular solution.

The fantasy setting is a popular setting, what else can I say.

Pixel art style is a popular style.




Not a bad game with mini games, I really liked picking the locks of the locker.

I actually fell out of the restart button in the room with the pots, well, I almost finished, okay, there wasn’t enough time to go through the new format, so to speak, the video doesn’t allow.

By the way, I noticed that the game is similar to an RPG maker, I was surprised to see Unity.


Thanks for making this game!

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Beautiful 3D graphics, an unusual solution.

Fantasy setting is a popular setting.




Not a lot of lag makes it difficult to destroy enemies.

Lots of cool fantasy creatures.

There is a currency that I didn’t know how to use. Well, okay, it’s still cool what’s there even if you didn’t get to the end.

I actually liked the game, it’s not usually great!


Thanks for making this game!

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Beautiful 3D graphics, an unusual solution.

Fantasy setting is a popular setting.




Not the usual physics mechanics, I liked the way movement and damage worked in this game.

Dinosaurs were difficult but I still couldn’t get through.


Thanks for making this game!

Here is the review