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A member registered Aug 11, 2022

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Mmm. The only other thing I remember is that shes in front of the bar in the market at Noon at one point (took me forever to find the bar for her), but Im not sure why the heart would be on the guild house instead of the market for that quest.

Its been a while since I did that one, but IIRC, you need to wake up on a Wednesday morning.

What?  Dev is Komisari, hes literally replied like every two days to comments.

In the past, you had to start over again, but he did make a forum post a bit ago that he was working on an updater for the next one.

Not sure if thats still true though, because there were some story changes to the prologue (namely Shino, from what I understood.  Her story was started when it was a "haha, funny sex game" and it doesnt fit the tone it ended up being, so he's redoing her intro quests) 

The game creator posts here nearly every day...  Its a one man team working on a huge update with Chapter 1, which is apparently even larger than the prologue was.

Theres only one dev, releases take a while but theyre also HUGE updates, not small patches.  Last update was a complete overhaul and next will be just as large from the sound of it.

Oh man that last Prolo quest had me messed up.  I was happy, sad, and laughing all in the span of under an hour.  Such a GREAT wrap up.  I cannot wait for .3 to continue with Lucy :3  <3 <3 <3

Just downloaded this game yesterday.... WOW.  This was not what I expected, its an amazing, fleshed out game!   I don't even care about the NSFW parts now lol, Im totally invested in the actual stories and game play O.O  This is the first single player game I've enjoyed in years.