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Undead Knight

A member registered Jan 24, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hahaha, I feel that. I’d love to play the extended cut of this game though if you ever get around to making it!

Fun, straightforward gameplay! I’m absolutely floored by the visuals though. If there are any helpful tutorials ya’ll know of to achieve that look then I’d be super grateful!

Thanks! It takes a while to get lighting to look good, the secret is to fiddle with all the values enough to eventually be able to intuitively adjust settings to reach your goal/reference!

Super fun! I’m blown away by how hooked I got on the game loop. I would like to use my earned money to buy an robot to automate my job though, maybe that can be DLC.

It was just lying on my desktop, idk where it came from but I love it.

Such a wild game xD. I love the vibes! I’m envious of your control over UMG.

LOL! I love the OS vibes. Shotgun op tho. Also I see you have a screenshot of it happening, but it is mildly satisfying when all the memes in the level gather in one spot xD.

Reminds me of my college dorm days… Running around pushing meat. Solid gameplay tho. I really loved the vellum physics of the meat cubes.

Incredible graphics! Gives me so much nostalgia. But uh… That story gave me feels. Or something. Not sure. Oh wait I just NOW read the description, yeah that checks out. Not my preferred method of heating purple saussy though. 10/10

Oh shoot! Yeah it should definitely be more obvious how to continue. You're supposed to press the dialogue box above it because it's as if you're saying how much it'll be after deciding. But yeah, haha, thanks for the feedback!

Haha thanks! I really wanted an actual cursor but I didn't have time to whip up a nice looking one. Perhaps in the DLC expansion I'll add an actual cursor.

Wow I want to see this as a fully fledged game! Good fun it is.

Too perfect.  I'm blown away.

So polished! I'm blown away.

XD me too!

Haha, thank you! Def the most polished game jam game I've had.

Please utilize this thread for any constructive criticism or bug reports! 

Really fun and quirky. Good job! I beat the game and retired, life well spent.

Unfortunately I goofed up when uploading right on the deadline and it didn't make it into the submissions, but here is a link to the web build for the curious!

Thank you!

Super satisfying feedback and good controls! 10/10

10/10 would play again.