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Unheeded Influences

A member registered Oct 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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I am not a great dev in C#, so I paid Game Creator on Unity for my project; this is a visual scripting tool.
I use it to create prototypes, and project it helps me a lot instead of learning complete programming.

Could that type of tool be okay, If I am solo?

This is great that you want to take another attempt.
It means that at least you maybe love the concept, which is also important to me.

(2 edits)

Hello @hythrain,

Thank you so much for playing my game and trying to figure out what's going on in it :). I watched all of your game sessions.

Thank you also for this valuable feedback, and yes I speak french, here in Switzerland. I noted that I needed a big improvement on the translations. Sorry if the game was a bit confusing.

For missing textures, this is not the case. You're in a spirit world, things aren't perfectly finished or polished (things are floating, the castle isn't fully anchored, etc.) But I shouldn't explain this, so I have to in-game, noted too!! :D. That's why there are no invisible/visual walls bordering the map. But of course, you shouldn't fall forever. Dam bugs... ^^

Controls are floating because the player is a soul (But yes, I will reduce the sliding effect)

When players enter a physical world, they will feel how heavy the gravity is. (this is the quest after finding a disturbance)

I'll correct things, improve others and repost in a future jam.

Note that if you want to go all the way to the end of the game, just step on the golden cube, it will instantly cut the quest and also teleport you to the right place (like finding the disturbance).

Thank you very much again for your time and your accurate comments.


Hi Servelat,

Thanks for your message, I didn't saw that issue. I find from where it comes.

I rebuild the game with the fixe. You can go download it again (sorry for that).

Hope you will like, do not hesitate to give me some feedback.