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A member registered 24 days ago

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Hi! I want to team up! I'm a 2d artist and I have experience in RPG Maker 

DISCORD: unicorngirlie96

Hi! Are you still looking for a team? 

Hi Are you still looking for a team I have experience in RPG Maker. Hope to hear from you soon!

HI! I'm willing to team up! My Discord is unicorngirlie96

HI! Do you want to team up, I have experience in RPG Maker!

My Discord: unicorngirlie96

Send a friend request :)

Great! I have idea but I don't know how to bring it to life by writing a good story would you like to talk here or discord?

HI! Are you still available to write?

Hi everyone! Like the title says, I'm looking for a writer for my game, I have the idea, the programs but I don't know how to write the story, any help would be much welcoming!

You can message me here or Discord :)

Discord: UnicornGirlie96