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A member registered Dec 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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I found a small one somewhere, it was in this forum (even if not this thread). I also know of a bigger one being worked on, but as far as I know it hasn't been released. If I see the one I have again I'll link the post for it to you here :)

That seems to have done it, thank you! 

(1 edit)

[Cue Intro music again] 

This episode...on The Bugfix Zone.

Got it to trigger again! Not even sure what I did differently for the next in-game week but oh well. 

Thank you for looking at this. :) I don't particularly enjoy Sieglinde being trapped in a time void, unfortunately.

edit: cute intro music lmao

Okay, I went back one more time, and the day passed without any of that happening. nothing else seemed different. I feel like I just left the Twilight Zone, a little bit. Uh...bug reverted?

(2 edits)

Heyy it's me again! I thought I saw something similar to this somewhere, but I wasn't able to find it? Whoops. Basically, I've done the fixes for the tiddie stress, and I recently started a new save, after implementing the fixes. On Day 17 (if that matters) suddenly most of the mansion features stopped working, I couldn't interact with anyone, and only the End Day function works. I had a good start, so I'd rather not restart again, but I will if I have to. This is chump change compared to some of the day counts I've seen, so if I do have to restart it won't be the end of the world, heh. Still loving this mod, and I'm very eager for the next update, but don't overwork yourself, especially with the stress of..well. Current events. This has only happened after using the tiddie stress fixes, so I'm figuring it's part of this mod. Stay safe yall!

Edit: Going back to autosaves didn't have this happen before the specific day. I also noticed that a character developed a good milk flow trait the same day-did that do it? 

Tried it. Worked like a charm on buildup. I've still gotta deal with the daily stuff, but this is so much easier, haha. Thanks again!

Oh! Thank you both so much. I'll start using that immediately, and be waiting excitedly for the update too. 

Alright, so I have been adoring this mod so far. It gets a little clunky here and there, but not any major complaints about that here. One thing that  is really bugging me though is that a few of my girls (particularly the ones with good milk flow traits) lactate so much in a single day that it gives them 800+ stress, even after I've done everything in my power to alleviate it from the previous day.  You can imagine how frustrating it is to have your favorites have a mental breakdown each damn day. While I am rolling in cash from a couple of them, the ones I actually want to keep around the mansion are fucked. And not in the good way. Is there any way to help with this (since I'm an absolute dumbass and might not have seen an obvious solution) or should I just wait for updates? I know a few people have asked similar things, but I didn't want to get rid of the mod in the meantime since I'm enjoying it. sincerely, a horny on main lesbian who hopes this comment isn't too unbearably annoying. 

Thank you so much! I'll try that. And yeah, I'd figure we are too. 

So this is my first runthrough of the game. character has 4/4 strength, 5/5 agility, 4/4 MA, 5/5 endurance. Pretty balanced overall. I am wearing Plate Armor and am using Ayneris' Rapier. I thought I was doing quite well, since I can solo essentially any fight, but the Hade one in the Mage Order in the capital is the only one so far giving me any difficulty. Thing is, I can't end the day because I saved right beforehand not knowing it would be such a battle, and none of my gals are really prepared for anything like this. Am I just fucked?? Or is there something I can do at the moment? I'm always dead before I can use Heal more than once, and don't have a whole lot of lab materials atm.