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A member registered Dec 04, 2023

Recent community posts

where did you find the gropper my guy?

It sounds great, the updates definitely show that you're dedicated to your work o7

Hey guys, i hope not to disrupt but i wanted to ask how much you think it will be until we get the new update, been waiting for it anxiously. Love your work guys.

Hey, is there a way to remap the keys? i have a 65% form keybord and it is very awkard to play with the arrows because i have to keep holding tab to use them

Hi fellas, just wanted to ask what can we expect from this new update?, will the story be expanded?

Excues me m8, why is my computer warning me of a trojan when downloading the new update?

Great, thanks for the info :)

Hi, just wondering at what time will the update be available today guys? 

Hi man, i just wish to ask a question, the option to access annie levels in the extras menu is gone and i have the latest update downloaded, were they removed or is this a bug?

Will the next update be available for us who purchased here in about two weeks or something like that? I love the game, good work.