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Unknown person9

A member registered Jan 21, 2024

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I will wait with impatience, thank you very much for listening to us and turning ideas into reality, I am very happy)...and I also have another idea, I just really like it too - I hope it will be possible to enable the ability to penetrate in the spirit settings in the nipples of spirits (with large or medium breasts), and also thanks to this function with the mating mode this function was available(if I explain it more precisely, in the settings it was possible to make it so that the spirit had large nipples into which you could stick your dick, I just don’t know how else to explain it 😅, but not only that 😏),I hope this will appear, I just like this concept

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Although I like that from time to time they can kiss it themselves, it looks cute and I generally like this feature) 👍, I wish they could even smell it and lick

No, my friend, the project is alive and well, feeling good, it's a pity this game is not so popular, but with these updates its popularity has increased and it continues to please, like Whitecrocus),have a nice day reader

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Well, in general, I hope in the future this will be possible since we don’t need a feather, but Ori would find it useful on her journey,and I like the idea of sailing on my own, and thus it would be possible to explore a new coast and new lands and even temporarily set up housing there for research 

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I agree, the game is still being developed so it won’t die in any case and a lot of content will be added), it’s a pity other people have calmed down since the last update but for now I continue to follow the game and I plan to create a mod based on the original game

It would be nice if female spirits could also have their breasts increased by 1 size

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Well, our main location is Nibel, only slightly modified, but the spirit tree from the original game there is 😅, but I hope in the future it will be possible to enter Niven and the map will expand to Niren (but this location is still under development)

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Whitecrocus I had an interesting idea, you can still add new spirits and new content, since I found out about the continuation of the game (or part 3 about Ori), for everyone interesting, look on Wikipedia for “Fandom” in addition to “the Will of the Wisps” Uri: son of Ori and there you can find out more about her (sounds like an advertisement but I’m just addressing everyone who is interested),even this for some reason was added to the "blind forest" tab, more precisely, sorry in advance😅

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You won’t be able to have sex right away, because that’s part of the fun of the game, if you want to have sex with a spirit right away, try it in the special mode that’s in the main menu, well, if you want to do this faster in the game itself, then you can use cheats, you can also do the same with random spirits if you communicate enough and gain trust, which appear when random meetings

Happy belated birthday to you dude (and your game) and have a nice trip, I'm not going to let you down, you're great 😅

I understand, thank you

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It will be cool if in the next updates it will be possible to visit spirits, or rather, it will be possible to meet them either near their house and interact with them, or there were events in which we help them near their house,or go into their house and interact with them, and random events could also happen: you could help around the house, fix something, or catch them doing something 😏,in general, this worked with other creatures like Moki,I have no ideas about items, but as was described in the road map on the topic of farming, I think there will be new items for gardening and even seeds,new fruits, berries and even vegetables and new items in Sean's store....Although someone wrote about this below, I just hope it appears 😅,it worked when you can't find a spirit and decide to search his home location and he could be found either near the house or in the house(and it was possible to improve them at home)

How? Where to install them, where to get them and how to install them?

This makes me happy), it’s a pity you can’t install mods on phones, but you can play without them,but in my opinion it’s not enough detailing of the lamia's tail: stripes, spots, etc., good luck to you

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And you just didn’t think about bad things, think that she returned alive a week later 😅, although I was alarmed that her eyes in the photo were then closed and I like this reference to what actually happened ,sad plot of the original, but don’t think about anything bad, just think that she came back🥲....Still, this game lacks a little sadness so that we can empathize with him and feel the same feeling (I don't want to seem cruel😅)

Well, in general, he already has a team, albeit a small one, that helps him in development, but I think he won’t refuse help (I don’t want to speak for everyone), thank you for your support

I like this game so much that I stopped installing others, I probably have a mania 😅, I thank the developer again for this game, it is one of a kind and quite interesting and high quality, and to phones

I think he heard you, but the problem is that perhaps he hasn’t figured out how to implement it yet since there are a lot of cheats and the buttons in this cheat menu will not all fit, but you can think of it a little differently:Add a button by starting the game in the corner (you can do it in any corner) and clicking on other buttons will open when pressed, the cheat was triggered and the menu was closed and written on top that such and such an item was received, and if the items were different, then pressing the button opened a small menu with available items when selected The cheat menu closed and everything was similar to the previous one, I just hope it won’t break the game 😅but it’s not as easy to come up with as saying, but in general it would be more convenient if a hint appeared when you start writing a command in the menu itself, maybe it would be easier...but this is my opinion and I don’t want to offend anyone

There you need to work out your reaction and predict in advance 😅

I think it’s some kind of mistake to go on a date with her you have to be her boyfriend and get 200 hearts😅, well, or a small flaw

Well, why is this, you remain in a strong relationship with Ori, she just wants to introduce you to your family), but I don’t know if there is such a location there or if it’s still just a dialogue

Haru can be found not only on the coast, I once accidentally found him when I was searching the house, but it was during the event with Moki, but maybe you can do this not only during the event

I also like the voice acting of all the characters, especially Flo and Ori and it looks so natural😅, they did a great job👍

I hope in the future it will be possible to customize all characters, even changing gender)

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Then I’m sorry for writing this, I’m not accusing you of anything, I’m just saying this in advance because something like this probably probably hard to fix, but in general I understand you...

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For a better gaming experience, it is better to delete the game completely and download a new version, since when updating saves and events that may currently be working can't blame the developers for this 😅

I didn’t expect an update from the developer, thank you very much Whitecrocus for the update, bug fixes and for listening to comments), if there is an opportunity I will buy the game ,I'll even subscribe to you

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This is not bad, but you can do this: in the character creation settings you could enable the option “have sex only with men” if you want to play as a woman or “have sex only with women" if you play as a man, but you could not include them if you want to fully interact with everyone,but it would be better if they could be edited manually and the gender could be changed if desired 😅

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It would, of course, temporarily become more fun, I just don’t want to be a spirit all the time... but how will the game understand whether you have become a spirit or not?, because the dialogues will be the same for a person and for a spirit,and the spirits may be in some confusion , although becoming a spirit, your closeness and their trust in you would increase, so that’s not a bad idea... but I don’t even know 😂,if you think about it 🤔 also this mechanic would become useful for moving through spirit wells, perhaps (although in the original game Sein was initially needed for this)

It's already out, so feel free to download it, but thank you for encouraging the developer)

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In my opinion, you just scrolled through the version, look above and there you can download it to the desired device, now version 0.3.0,I'm afraid you'll have to delete the old version or just update it to a new one, but the save files may be damaged so update at your own risk

Thank you

Rest as long as you need, health is more valuable than all this and we are ready to wait as long as necessary, I have good ideas but I don’t want to overload and cause creative burnout, take care yourself

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Wow, I like the art (model) and the color of the outfit it matches the color), you can also notice the gloves that haven’t been added yet and tail decor.I would like to see in the future a change of clothes in sex scenes and the ability to kiss and kiss certain places during “copulation”😏,It would even be nice to replace some models when "copulation" with this art, but it will take a lot of time to animate it, uhh😥, but it would also be nice to see in the game itself how they they make ahegao or stick out their tongue, it's hot even thinking about it)but no, I like what is in the game....but where did you find this art 😅

I would play on the phone since I don’t often sit at the computer

This would be convenient because I accidentally call up this menu by pressing and cannot exit it, or add it as a button by pressing it again to close it

Events appear on their own, depending on the time of year, interactions and relationships with spirits and completed tasks, the very first event with Ku is completed if you first find a feather in the desired forest and then the owl itself (it can be found the next day)

And you can find a new spirit when Ori goes with Moki to another forest to save him, Moki herself can come any day and ask you to find her (him, depending on gender) a spirit and if you call her cute, then she can come back and tell you everything... but if you then call her very cute, then you can actually have sex with her 😏 (okay, sorry for the spoiler),I personally found the new spirit of Haru in those days when Ori left, when I was exploring the house

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Well, if you want to quickly complete the game, you can use cheats to get spheres and other things... but I think it will be more interesting to go through everything slowly, but this does not diminish the interest, damn who will return it to me feeling of joy and the unknown while playing (...I’ll just play again like for the first time

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I I would also likereally want to help Ori and know that everything will be fine with her since she’s been gone for a long time :')

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I have some ideas for a game

1)Hot spring idea-On it you can periodically meet Ori and other spirits with whom you are familiar and join them, or peek 😏, you could also restore strength, communicate or engage in “copulation” if you are left alone with the spirit

2)You can also add the opportunity to go to the location where Ori went and purified it.... in those locations you could find the house of moki Komi where you could interact with her as with spirits,you could also meet by chance other moki with whom you could also communicate and interact or help restore structures and houses....and there was one event in which you If you wanted, you and Ori could go to her family to get to know them (or rather, she introduced you to them herself) and spend time there, also this location became available for visiting (well, it’s already like the developer will decide, it’s not up to me to decide, I’m just suggesting😅)...and you could also meet with another tree of spirits that would tell the whole story and you could ask about something, I like this idea myself and it also opens up new horizons and maybe events that are related to the original story and are full of references.

3)It was also possible to find a well of spirits in one of the locations about which you could ask Ori, and even move to a certain location where there is another well of spirits (probably there could be something for this will be needed)

That's all for now