Now that the final boss has been unscrewed: yeah this still rules
I like that throwing weapons now(?) is extra effective against hidden enemies, that's smart. But I'm pretty sure I only saw 1 hiding enemy so that's sad
Hard swing is still extremely precise, help
Big fan of the new party members. Especially warden, he is sick as hell. I love his anims. I wish the other one (literally forgot her name) had more starting skills for getting her at level 9, I was put off by her at first. But she's cool too.
When markus does the buzzo wrecks you moment i had equipped the reflect shield on the warden, who proceeded to reflect it and i kicked his ass in the first fight. That was funny. And is probably a bug.
I'm happy you get Interrobang early now, I always liked her a lot.
I think every enemy could still do with having slightly less HP and deal slightly more damage. When you get to the Nth "single enemy with 10k hp" fight it's a bit annoying.
In the desert village after you're thrown in jail, twice now when I saw the orange flag pointing down I didn't sprint jump and just walked off and died. I don't know whose fault it is that I do that anymore.
I'm happy this got updated, and I'm happy this exists in the first place. This little game is special and I really like it. And the soundtrack bangs.