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A member registered Sep 04, 2016

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How do you get her to follow outside? I've gotten her to open the door and even say "Goodbye" but once I hit the stairs "You can not leave!"

I admit the game is interesting but I hit the limit after dying once. Maybe its a timed limit but there isn't a free option for the AI or something? I do love the idea of the game but the idea of also being charged per text or so is enough to make me shy away from ever really backing this and putting money into the AI required.


So as someone who doesn't handle horror well but who is intrigued. Any code to just unlock all videos for viewing?

I do agree with Turtle, would be nice if we had to maybe once a week (or early mornings) load up our cart and travel to market to buy odds and ends for the swords (assuming blacksmithing gets more in depth) rather than instant delivery. 

Would also love to see a way to customize the blacksmith area eventually, even if its something as simple as just picking up, rotating and placing the stuff inside the workshop.

I just wanna say this is awesome. Would certainly love if it got finished or possibly moved into multiplayer aspects :D