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A member registered Jan 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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you replied to me stupid, maybe quit stealing insults from the reddit kids across the 5th grade classroom and you'll maybe get a chuckle outta someone

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id call myself a game designer, seeing as im working on one right now, although i moreso compose/draw for it than design it. if you want a real review, then dani should...

1. fix the driving, way too slippery and is almost impossible to keep yourself on track
2. quit filling the games with memes or in-jokes, they weren't funny then they arent now
3. fix the difficulty, easy is still borderline unplayable

4. get better presentation

5. PLEASE stop getting the same guy to do the same music, his style is immensely noticeable

so even with criticism i have the same feelings about it, i think it sucks balls

we got a real john mulaney over here, anymore wisecracks kiddo

"git gud" or "thats kinda the part of the charm" is not the argument you think it is

its called "being blunt"

its always "ur just not a le epic gamer!!!" dude, the game sucks im saying it sucks

it being free does not mean i cant call it bad

intended to be bad =/= free from being called bad. a bad game is a bad game, intended or not.

he still knows how to make games though, karlson is his first fps game and hey, thats a pretty damn fun game. he should have some experience from that, but this game shows none of that. its a bad game, first try or not. and just because its intended to be bad doesnt mean i dont get to call it shit. a bad game gets to be called a bad game, otherwise the makers of said game dont receive any criticism and keep making bad games. and even if it was dani, he could still put more effort into it instead of opting for a barebones uncontrollable mess of a game.

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and if all you can muster is a "g-get better nerd!!" or  "its s-s-supposed to be bad..." then you are most likely under the age required to own a drivers license, and if you aren't, then grow up

this game actually sucks balls, first racing game or not you are at least a LITTLE experienced in developing a game.

car drives like someone pissed on my wheels and filled them up with liquid nitrogen, glitches galore, but NOOOO haha funny THICC UR MOM MILK!!!! LMAO!!! quit pandering to reddit twinks and learn how to make games 

when people are breaking your game to beat it you have a problem