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A member registered Apr 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks. For sure, we had a range of characters we wanted to use but didn't have time to add more than the old man

That's disappointing :( Thanks for giving it a go tho!

(1 edit)

This isn't really much fun as we ran short on time to actually tune any values. Its a shame but feel free to check it out regardless :)

Thanks. 2 of us are programmers but we did have one artist who welcomed the challenge, its something new :)

Thannks for playing! I get what you mean UE4 has motion blur enabled by default and we didn't get around to looking at the default settings :/ Hope it wasn't too bad!

Thanks. Sorry we didn't get time to add the controls in game but if you press 2 you can get the faster fire rate gun

Quite difficult but very fun. Looks great too. Well done

Hope you enjoy :)

It would be great to see someone try out ours if you get the time :) Thanks

The demon slowly appearing gets me every time. He has been permitted thine soup

Nifty game, hard was a bit too tricky but medium was fun

Took mew a few minutes to get my bearings. Great game! I liked the mechanics. Well done

I cracked up at the voice of the shop worker haha Nice work :)

Absolutely fantastic. Looks great, plays well. Well done :) also the sounds are great