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A member registered Jul 02, 2019

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Aww!!! I'm super excited :) I've been looking forward to this for ages!

I am absolutely not ashamed to say that I play this whenever I need a pick-me-up :) I'm always smiling at the end and just feel better for the rest of the day.

Wow, you've made so much progress since the last time I checked! It looks awesome :)

This is simply amazing. I will definitely be replaying. Often.

I adore both Toasty and Quest, but I have a soft spot for Quest :) He's just too sweet and kind.

PS - - - -  (I'm begging this) Please, please please tell me when we're getting xyx's route?? There's just something about him that captivates me. 

Then what the hell are you doing here? Just here to troll? Did it actively make your life better? Do you feel better about yourself? I'm guessing not, because bullies never do.

Do everyone a favor and get over yourself.

I really wish I was able to support you on Patreon, but even though I can't, I can send as many positive vibes and offer silent support as much as I can. I very much look forward to this and will patiently wait for release :)

I'm super excited to play the full game :)

This is wonderful news! I love DUFE already, and this will only make it so much better! Thank you :)

I'm crossing fingers and toes that it goes quickly for you :) I am very excited and looking forward to the rest of the guys and Plus ;)

Are you still planning on releasing Plus as a DLC on Steam eventually?

I'm absolutely looking forward to James :) Though my heart will always belong to Dimitri.

I absolutely can't wait, am super excited for Episode 6 :) I hope it comes soon but understand that these things take time.

I don't care how pretty they are, they shot my Vexx. It's ON!

This game has caused me to laugh and cry. I play it over and over and it's still not enough. 

Will A6 ever go on Steam? Just curious if y'all are going that route.

I got the Steam version and I just had to tell you that I absolutely LOVE this game. It's made me tear up more than once and I think it's just perfect. 

I'm really excited to see what's in store for Step 4. 

1. Reksa. I don't really know why, I guess I'm drawn to the broody ones. 

2. I do. Nusantara drew me in, I feel. The characters are very well written and its not often that I will absolutely binge play a new game just so I can see all the endings in two days. 

3. I absolutely love the story, the lore, the relationships the people have with each other. It's really enchanting. 

4. NO criticism from me, but I am curious whether or not you might make more games like this. I will definitely play, download and recommend to as many people as I can. 

*offers substantial bribes in form of baked goods*

May we pretty please enquire as to when we can (hopefully) expect another chapter? I'm dying to see more.

Y'all gonna get flooded with those right now :D

Damon!!! I like them broody


It's not the content I'm concerned about (which I'm sure will be awesome) its the price. In my currency, the game currently costs over almost two hundred. I simply can't afford it at the current price. I had some money saved up in my steam wallet specifically for it, but since the price increased, I won't be able to buy it. 

Unfortunately, I can't afford to buy it on itch AND on steam. Maybe if my situation improves, I'll be able to eventually buy a copy on steam, but as of right now, I'm unable to. 

It doesn't matter. They gave their word that the price would not go up. Why tell people that it wouldn't go up and then raise it so significantly? Also, I'm not sure if you are able to afford buying a game twice but I can't, I was planning on buying it on Steam when it released there but now since the price has almost tripled, I won't be able to.

I am disappointed to the level of not buying the game at all, and not just because I won't be able to afford it.

I'll just keep playing the version I have, the old free one.

(1 edit)

A few months ago, you guys said that the prince of 5 USD won't change. That it won't go up. I was saving what little I could afford to be able to buy this game when it releases on Steam. Now I see I won't be able to. 1 USD = 14.66 in my currency. Its way expensive and I truly regret not being able to purchase it. 

I'm saddened and frustrated, because I was truly hoping you would keep to your word and NOT raise the price so significantly.

Yaaay! I'm really looking forward to this update! It's gonna be amazing <3

Just curious as to when/if this will be coming to steam? I really wanna buy it, but only have money available on my steam wallet.

I am absolutely hooked on this game and can't wait to see what comes next.

Much kudos.

I will probably buy the DLC asap, as soon as I can afford to (I don't live in the US and currency exchange rate is not pleasant) but from what I'm reading in the comments, its utterly worth it and I am very excited to see for myself.

It might be a little hard for me financially, but I will definitely buy the game as soon as I can to support you guys - I'm looking forward to see what you do with it and what comes next. 

Keep up the great work, guys. 

I'm <pwa data-pwa-id="pwa-873AF074EA030C564590780A7E276950" data-pwa-rule-id="READABILITY_2264" data-pwa-category="style" data-pwa-hint="Readability may be enhanced by removing this" data-pwa-suggestions="(omit)" data-pwa-heavy="false" data-pwa-dictionary-word="really " class="pwa-mark">really </pwa>looking forward to this :<pwa data-pwa-id="pwa-2D880A649A850563E31740EA38EA232F" data-pwa-rule-id="DET_CG_2" data-pwa-category="grammar" data-pwa-hint="Possible missing determiner" data-pwa-suggestions="a )~the )" data-pwa-heavy="false" data-pwa-dictionary-word=")" class="pwa-mark">)</pwa> It looks like it will be so interesting and engaging to play the full game. But you guys take your time, the best things come to those who wait -<pwa data-pwa-id="pwa-1FA896369EF9532E175C55D6AAE5D544" data-pwa-rule-id="READABILITY_665" data-pwa-category="style" data-pwa-hint="Readability may be enhanced by removing this" data-pwa-suggestions="(omit)" data-pwa-heavy="false" data-pwa-dictionary-word=" after all" class="pwa-mark"> after all</pwa><pwa data-pwa-id="pwa-2A47DF1724E2B3DD44892863D537635A" data-pwa-rule-id="WHITESPACE" data-pwa-category="grammar" data-pwa-hint="The punctuation mark '.' may require a space after it. Consider adding the space." data-pwa-suggestions=". " data-pwa-heavy="false" data-pwa-dictionary-word="." class="pwa-mark">.</pwa><pwa data-pwa-id="pwa-56C61FD99F2AF02B438CD44C3047A298" data-pwa-rule-id="END_PUNC" data-pwa-category="grammar" data-pwa-hint="Missing punctuation" data-pwa-suggestions="." data-pwa-heavy="false" data-pwa-dictionary-word="" class="pwa-mark"></pwa>

Absolutely amazing. 

Fantastic artwork, fantastic writing and I just adore ALL the characters. Keep up the great work guys.