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A member registered Oct 10, 2022

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Cool game with funky music, although the notes don't feel well timed and could add text for how well you timed your button press.

Great game, really like the fact that it's RNG every time you restart the level, could move the score board a bit to the left because when you get to 1000 score you can't really see how much score you have. I noticed that when you hit a rock you get slowed down and the timer prints every single second you're slowed down for, you should try and make it into a singular timer and in a better visible colour and bigger size.

I like the idea of the game, it has replayability, you could add a timer to see how quickly you can get to the wolf to make it more interesting .To be picky ,there should've been a winning screen after you touch the wolf and should've had a dedicated  button which you can press to reset the game if you wanted to keep playing it.