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A member registered Sep 18, 2019

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(4 edits)

I was not expecting it to be good.
It had a very interesting atmosphere to it. I usually don't like linear stories that have no or minimal choices, but I really liked this (oops, only now just noticed choices won't be implemented until later chapters. I'm excited for those!).
I'm not a fan of AI art, I was really iffy about checking this story out because of it. However, after reading, I feel with the setting of the world, you are using it to tell a story that can only best be told if using AI artwork. 
I also really liked the music! That's not AI? You did good!

There are a lot of typos though. Grammar and spelling.  At least there was in the first part, where the protagonist meets Sam in his world and walks with him. Once they reached the cabin, I stopped noticing it because I was too interested in the atmosphere and setting.

I adore Sam so much. Like, he obviously feels very guilty for luring the protagonist into this strange reality, and is trying to make up for it by cooking and providing for him however way he can. It's explained in dialogue, but even without that dialogue you can tell his actions were driven by loneliness and a desire to keep a new potential friend, and the guilt of bringing him there. I'm also interested in this internal struggle he has, where he wants to leave but can't bring himself to enter these foreign worlds he encounters. I feel most of the inhabitants of this ever changing limbo probably feel the safe way.

I read the comment by Naho. Honestly, it seems to me they didn't pay attention to or read the story at all. The animations were not "distracting" either, at least not for me. Of course, lots of people have things like ADHD or other conditions that make it hard to focus, so I could see how the animations might bother some people.  I would not say the animations are "overused", I feel they highlight and attribute to the feel of the setting.

It IS weird though, that you have no idea what an isekai is though LOL.
Isekai is a fantasy subgenre where a character is transported (or reincarnated) into a fantasy world. The protagonist of Interloper walks down a road and enters a different reality. This, by its briefest definition, makes it an isekai.
I will point out, there is more to the genre than that, as many would consider true isekai has more factors to consider that make them such. True isekai heavily involve the protagonist making use of their knowledge of their prior world, and typically the story focuses on the culture and technology of the protagonists new world.  Anything less is just the isakai trope being used to jumpstart a story.
Is your story an isekai? Maybe. I would argue it probably is. But only by it's most basic and simple definition, "Character is transported into a different world". There is no need to follow any of the common story formats used by the genre and trope, as your story is too different from the typical isekai to use them.
Just keep doing what you are doing. It is good.

Honestly, I think the story was formatted well, the "suspension of disbelief" you mentioned, I could easily understand what was going on and felt it was done very well. Naho just has no reading comprehension (No offence Naho. But you pretty clearly let your biases cloud your thinking) The only thing I can tell you actually need to work on right now is your grammar. Many sentences read like they are missing words, and there were quite a few spelling mistakes (at least in the first part of the story). And that all would be easily fixed by downloading and using the free version of Grammarly.

I will be waiting for the next chapter.

(1 edit)

It is difficult to play and see all the new content from the updates because text can't be skipped, and you can't scroll back either. To see anything new or try different choices, I have to completely exit the game, get back on it, and then start again from the very beginning. It is very tedious lol.

Have you considered learning to use Ren'Py and making the game using it's engine? It's free and open source. Skipping text and scrolling back are automatic features in that engine  (or, at least I think they are? But I'm not completely sure.) Sorry if it's rude to suggest. Most games I play are Ren'Py and you're the first person I've seen use Godot engine.

Found some typos too. You spelled ''Whatch it'', correct spelling is ''Watch''. And soon after there is ''You own me one'' when the correct word is ''owe'' not ''own''.

looking forward to the next update

Oooh, new character! Such a handsome beard and cute little mustache lol

With how little is currently in the story, I'd say daily updates or updates every other day for now might be best, that way you can quickly get more content in and become more likely to gather the interest from whoever sees the game in this infant stage. Quick updates for now might also impress some people, seeing that you're actively working on the project.

After all or most of the romantic interests have been introduced and the main setting has been established you could then go to gathering content and then posting.

It ends before we can even leave the house, so I really don't think you'll get much engagement or likes because there just isn't much here yet to engage with or like.

That being said, love Adam's design, the style looks very good and is just extremely pleasing to the eye. I'll like and comment all day if it means I get to see more of that art-style lol.

I loved it, really fun, highly recommend.

Same issue as the other commenters

It's really good so far, great art too, like really great artwork.

As someone who is interested in Boys Love and Gay tagged games. I would like to say that MarloweC, who left comments a few days ago, is wrong. About like, literally everything they said lol. You obviously already know this, but I wanted to make sure you knew you aren't the only one.

It's always pleasant for me when I find a game with a canonically bi protagonist.

(1 edit)

So I guess I'll be the a-hole and leave a more harsh review. If I didn't like the game, or didn't care, I wouldn't write this. I like the game, and I want to see you improve, so...

I really liked the game, and the story was interesting. I reached the end and found I think like, three endings. Loved the story and art...But due to the gameplay, I have no intention of playing again without a detailed step-by-step guide. The gameplay was kind of infuriating.

I know you want the players to write the guide... But I'll be blunt, it's your first game. You don't yet have the player base for that. You know what could help build a player base? A detailed guide.

The first time I played, I quit at the library rescue because I couldn't figure out how to save my favorite character from dying. I tried for 30 minutes to do that. The second time I played, over a month later mind you, I randomly figured it out at nearly half an hour of trying... There was no guide, nobody had any useful hints/clues at the time in the comments/reviews. I would have dropped the game forever if I had to spend another ten minutes trying to figure that out. If I, a very patient person, was nearly driven to dropping the game, after an hour of trying. I'm sure there were lots of people who dropped the game after fifteen minutes. And it's because they didn't have access to a guide, and couldn't figure different parts of the gameplay out. Most people aren't going to ask for help, they are just going to stop playing.

You made incredibly annoying scenes that takes a lot of your players forever to figure out, and refused to make a guide, expecting the players to do it for you... Honestly, when I personally saw the multiple comments you posted saying you wanted the players to make the guide. I felt like you had to have no respect for your players at all. I'm sure that's not the case, but that's what I felt at the time when I had just spent 40 minutes stuck at a specific point in the story.

I really want to see more games from you, I genuinely do. The story was very unique, it grabs your interest, it was fun, liked the characters, overall very creative! Just unfortunately has some very grating gameplay aspects.

It is good, you will certainly improve from here on out. It's your first game you said, you don't yet have much of a player base, but with more games you'll gain more. You are already good at making interesting plots, you've are already greatly improving at using the AI Art, so I am sure with more games you'll learn how to make gameplay elements and puzzles much more fun.

I am looking forward to seeing what you make next.

1:30 is enough time. Once you enter the hidden door, in the next area just choose the topmost option, and then ''try to solve with the information you have'' twice. You'll be able to make it in time if you go slow across the trapped path, ignore the green monster, and ignore the spiders.

This was an absolute hilarious joy


five star rating XD

Happening to me too, using a laptop. Since PATS makes the phone unusable, it makes the game completely unplayable since we now need to use the phone for everything. Which makes seeing the new content impossible...

I know this is a stupid thing to comment about, but it let me hit the pillow the exact perfect amount of times before maxing out lol

Oh wow, that was a super fast response

wasn't even expecting a response, I am thoroughly impressed

But it isn't exactly an issue that needs to be addressed with a patch, it's not the games fault that I couldn't input some of the necessary keys. It's my dumb pc that is at fault lol.

The game is great by the way, really loved that door puzzle with the stars, the submarine and monkey toys as well.

(2 edits)

the shift key on my computer doesn't work, so sadly I cannot fill in the password for the house computer account.... spent an hour and a half playing, only to be screwed over by that.

Needs an in game keyboard that we could optionally use, you know, just in case people are playing using a crappy old device with specific keys that dont work lol

I haven't played for a year (I'm trying to download the game rn, but my computer is trying to get me to throw it across the room in frustration lol)
but I think what JohnEP means by "no real gay sex"

if you remove
- all the encounters the protagonist was "forcedinto canonically (raped in the prison cells, grinding with the hairdresser, etc)
- All scenes the protagonist didn't believe was "real" (the hellscape dreamworld, the digital computer landscape, telepathic sexual encounters, sexual encounters that were wiped from protagonists memory)
- All sexual actions that the protagonist didn't personally actually participate in (fantasies, other peoples memories, telepathic encounters, watching other people)

then that leaves only four gay scenes that I know about.
Android handjob, purple guy blowjob, mutual handjob, and the bunk visit.

But there's more.
Some people may not consider sexual actions with an android as "real sex"
And lots of people don't even consider handjobs and blowjobs as "real sex", either.
Taking those extremes into account, then to some people, there are no "real" gay sex scenes.

The protagonist is only on what, day 2? For a guy from such a chaste background, who is really dumb and didn't know he liked guys in a sexual way, from a canonical point of view, it makes total sense.

I am personally happy with this games gay content. 
But I can understand why other people may not consider the majority of the gay scenes as "real".

(4 edits)

Since the character portraits are changing, does that mean the character artwork in the game is going to change to reflect the portraits? I personally absolutely love the characters appearances in the demo.

If the character art is changing along with the portraits, then I really really hope that if there is new art, that it is able to capture that same gender neutral quality I love so much from the characters in the demo. One moment, I could be looking at one of the characters, and perceiving them as neutral, the next moment, with the exact same still image, I perceive them as masculine, and then a few interactions later I find them feminine, and then neutral once again. It's amazing, I love it. The characters are all truly gender neutral in appearance. But not in a way that they possess no femininity or masculinity at all. They all clearly posses both qualities abundantly. And I find that crazily impressive, It's their interactions, and behaviors, that cause me to be more aware of their different qualities, both physically and in personality, in different ways. It really is very cool!

I'm just worried, because the portraits appear very feminine to me with no room for that perception to differ because of how detailed the artwork is. It's unlike the artwork currently in the demo, where the characters look clearly both very masculine and very feminine as the same time. That gender neutral quality, that I love about the art in the current demo, just is not present in these new portraits. The level of detail in the new portraits causes the neutrality to disappear I think? And I'm unable to perceive any of these new portraits as anything other than women. They're not neutral. Well, save for Seven maybe.
So (unpopular opinion) I'm personally hoping the character artwork will not be changing to match the new portraits.

Yes, yes. I know. I've basically just now made a rude complaint about the new artwork that you all worked really hard on. I'm sorry about that. The artwork genuinely is really good though! It awesome! It just doesn't have that same esthetic that I utterly adore from the demo, and I have nothing better to do right now than think about this wonderful story/game and write down my thoughts/opinion on the amazing artwork it has. But that's fine, that's just my stupid opinion anyways, I'm a sucky and rude person anyways, so please do ignore my inability to be satisfied by better high quality artwork lmao!
On another note, the second paragraph on this comment is 100% compliments, so reread that part to you're hearts content XD

Wow, it's been 12 days o_O feels like it's only been 1/3rd of that

Finally played and got the perfect ending!
IT WAS SO MUCH BETTER THAN WHAT I HAD EXPECTED! I did not expect to get to see their wedding and aged up selves, and it was super good! Way better than what I had expected! I assumed it would be a few different/new dialogue at most! But it was so much more! Wonderful game.

I really like it, but I had to stop a few days into the game, it crashed when I tried to feed the beetle a rotten orange, and then got a fresh orange to feed it.

I tried replaying, but GOSH! it. is. such. a. chore. to get back to where I was, so I just gave up. I was only a couple days into the game too. It doesn't allow me to save, or skip (I'm using windows on a laptop).

I loved it, replayed it a bunch
I tried Iker's route over and over and over again like 50 times, I could never get anything else but the "good" ending, which says I "can do better if you score more points with Iker"
I HAVE NO IDEA how to get more points with him though! I feel like I've tried everything. So could I please get a walkthrough on how to get this supposed "better" ending?

I get your point about the making Cove a girl option. But when I think about it, that would be a lot of extra work, all the sprites they'd need to make, as well as changing the script throughout the entire game to use the correct pronouns. It honestly wouldn't be worth the trouble for the makers, unless they made it as an expensive DLC, but at that point everyone would have already replayed the game multiple times, so nobody would buy it since it would only change Cove's appearance, and add nothing to the actual story.

And I'm just happy for the character editing interface we got, lol. The options, although simple and limited, are a nice bonus since the makers honestly didn't need to give us them.

I get vibes that this is the story I didn't know I always wanted O_O


I was seriously thinking "Is his power self detonation?"

That scene always stops a few seconds into it for me, so after seeing your comment I looked for it in the game files to see it.

I'm at a loss for words! Haha!

(2 edits)

The wording of your question confuses me so, I'll answer like this.

There is heterosexual and homosexual content within the game. The protag has a wife, but you can mostly easily avoid hetero scenes through your choices, you can also fairly easily avoid male/male content fairly easily through your choices. That being said, it is probably impossible to avoid all the gay or all the straight content. You will likely encounter both no matter what you do. While the protagonist is male, you will occasionally gain control over his wife and be able to make choices on her behalf.

In other words

It has both a lot of straight and a lot of gay content. There is more straight content though, and it's (in my opinion) easier to find all the straight scenes than some of the gay scenes. 

I like the game.

(1 edit)

Just pointing out that for the sex scene with Dragon and Jeffery in the cave, two of the poses are swapped and appear in the wrong option (At least, I'm pretty sure that it isn't supposed to be that way?)

When Dragon tells us to choose who will be "the man", if you choose Bennet to top, he will be shown bottoming in the next pose, if you choose Jeffery to top, he will be shown bottoming in the next pose. 

I think this is unintentional, but I could be wrong.

Also, at the end of that scene there is a typo, after Dragon tells them "That was excellent boys", it says "Neither knew what tos ay" It took me a moment it was supposed to say "Neither knew what to say".

Sorry for being nit-picky, lol

Haha, I knew there had to be some type of story involved XD

(2 edits)

I didn't even notice there was a memories section until I saw you mention it here... Yeah, I'd agree. Making the memories title bigger would be helpful lol

Also, it seems the memories section does not include the scene where you wake up in the night and see the rats ganging up on Rohan. (If it is in there, sorry, Im a very oblivious person.)

I thought that too, but then I tried naming my character both "Rohan" and "Anthony" and it allowed both, so I assume that isn't the reason it doesn't allow "Raph".

On another note, not allowing us to pick names of already existing characters would be a smart mechanic to implement (in my opinion).

(1 edit)

I got lazy and didn't want to type out "Raphael", so I shortened it to "Raph" as my character's name, only to get a "Don't. Just, don't." message.
I decided to goof around with the mechanic, and found lots of different things it wouldn't let me use as a name.
As far as I could tell, nothing sexual, and most body-parts were a no. It also refused most of the 2 letter suggestions I made, but allowed some. It refused most 3 letter suggestions I made, but allowed some. It refused some four letter suggestions, but accepted most.

I'm just curious as to why it works this way, and why you implemented it?

(This is probably something you'd never thought anyone would bring up lol)

I'll like to note that the exact same things happen with me.

Also, a similar thing happens with Taylor, I chose that I saw Conrad and the girl, NOT Conrad and Taylor. However, later when I meet Taylor, Bennett admits to having seen Taylor and Conrad together (which never happened).

Honestly, it's like a lot of the variables are stuck, and that no matter what route you take/choices you make, you'll always get the exact same story.