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A member registered Dec 08, 2016 · View creator page →

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it do

actually extremely creative, but it makes me realize i am very dumb 

its a small lil' thing, and yet i feel like the humour still carries it through pretty well

amen breaks ftw

i loved this, it's full of personality.

pubsub kicked my ass.

Amazed you guys could make something so polished in just a week. Good job!

Thank you for playing! There's actually two random changes possible after you get banned, you may go to megalovania loop, or you might switch to a P4 stream.

because coding in actual failstates is for losers and people with more time than us

(we were too busy making "eat her ass" text prompts)

Here's a zip file if you can't extract .rar's. won't let me upload new releases until the jam finishes, so.