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A member registered Aug 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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One of my favorite visual novels, can't describe how much I fell for Nadia, she's my goddess 

Why is Bugbear's route so hard to get??? I've been trying for 3 hours nonstop and the cryptozoology question simply doesn't appear T.T

OMG I've been crazily waiting for more content, I'm so happy ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

The demo made me so curious about its full version, I got the green, orange and purple hearts and I'm dying to know how the story will develop with that!!

This made my day automatically perfect, I can't wait to play this full masterpiece someday 

I have always thought that a wedding would be a waste of money and never understood all the "hype" around it. Until I played this DLC. You guys have no idea of how much this game affected my way of thinking about a ton of things, it helped me a lot with my "young-adult crisis" and it was just worthy every second. It's the best VN/Otome Game that was made (saying this after 10 years playing this type of games) and I'm extremely grateful for GBPatch for this masterpiece! Cove will always have a special place on my heart.

Definitely one of my favorites, I'll never forget this masterpiece!! Planning to play again in some months so I can review such precious moments.