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A member registered Jan 16, 2021

Recent community posts

Unfortunately my phone can't download this game. I don't know why The mobile resource is ready. I doubt I'll have to wait for a new mobile phone with more quality.

Calm down ep. 7 hasn't come out yet.

If your country has no war How many EPs do you think this game will get?

Still waiting for EP. 7 free designs and please be safe

Can't wait to see the demon girl go to school. Seeing her dressed in neat clothes The cuteness immediately increased.

Hello developer, are you still developing this game?

Come back and play again soon. When there is an update to fix various bugs

I haven't passed the mia and mom minigames yet. How do I pass? I play on my phone.

Go find a character that is a rabbit. Went for a Saturday morning

Go find a character that is a rabbit. Went for a Saturday morning

After reading the information To be honest, it's very interesting. and want to arrive asap Can't wait to try it out. but it will be a long time The war between nations is not over yet. I also hope that Putin doesn't use nuclear. in the end of this battle If used, it will be something very sad. Good games, beautiful pictures, not difficult to play, hard to find games like this. Most of them are 3D models that have already been prototyped for you to decorate yourself. The 3D model is not as beautiful as the painting. If my favorite is monster girl 1000, great artwork, please keep improving and hope the war will end without nuclear.

How do you open the last character?

First, use two fingers to press the screen at the same time, press the item, if you want to use it, press it. If you want to exit the item page, use the same method as the first step.

It's been 3 months and 16 days already, it seems like it took a long time to develop. Well, the game is not easy to do. It takes a lot of time to come up with a story idea, add code, background music, and draw characters and scenes. Including the person who made it, it's also Ukrainian (not sure if it's right), but it's encouraging for the team who created and developed this game everyone. I wish you quality game work and fun to play. I'm worried. I won't update ep.7 for free.

How long will it take for the game to update?

How is the last character unlocked?

why on this website There is no android version to download.

Uh, is the game in development right now? It's been several months and the game hasn't been updated yet.

Will your game be a turn best combat style? Because I saw a turn best fight and a fighting gear shop.

This is forced to make a mistake, right?

Where does this have to go or is it over?

Oh, relief, you're fine. It's been 2 days and still haven't seen any updates. What's the problem? I'm really worried about you 😂😂😂

Um, developer, what happened? Why is the game update slow?

Calm down everyone The creator will update soon. No need to hurry 🤣🤣🤣

The news that I saw from Facebook and from my mother who saw it on Facebook told me. It's like Russia is starting to have an impact on itself. Does Ukraine have an advantage or not? I'm not sure. 🤔🤔

Ah, when will this situation end? Many players who are waiting for this game update, how long will it take? Oh Lord Putin What are you doing?

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine Make this game come out very slow. From usually having to wait 2-3 months, now 4 months is not finished, and there are other reasons for the game to be slow. but please do your best

ok Do your best, cheer up even though you've had some trouble recently.

  Me and everyone who supports you will continue to wait.

ok Do your best, cheer up even though you've had some trouble recently.

  Me and everyone who supports you will continue to wait.

After you encounter problems with what you posted the most. Do you think it will take a long time to update?

When will the free EP6 come in?

Let's see if it's before Christmas or after Christmas or new year 😂😂😂

It won't be long before the next EP will come at the end of this month or next month..who knows, the more systems, the more time it takes. When the player encounters a problem, he must solve it and return to play as quickly as possible. It's an encouragement to keep doing your best.

Ah, thought it was deleted. Because when I come in to check if there are any comments sometimes but yesterday is not. Two days ago, I came to check and the website suddenly said no, I was shocked at that time. I think I won't be playing anymore.😥😥 Crazy web 😂😂

Where should I go in this quest? Or have to wait for EP. 6

Load now, play late at night, even if you're at home alone, play late at night haha

You did this for us Ask you something How late do you sleep?

Do it slowly, you will encounter problems like last time again. Even though in my heart and others wanting to come out quickly, do your best, we're keeping our hopes up for everyone.

Are you spoilering me or did you draw it yourself, I'm just curious but guess you drew it yourself 😂 If yes, sorry for misunderstanding.