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但,首先我還是要抱怨一下幾點:sera的衣服顏色一直不固定,有時黃色、有時深藍色,而深黑外景或是衣服 常常讓我看不清楚身體輪廓(有時還好,但是想要看清楚的時候很困惱)
然後,我必須說,我更喜歡支線上的三位女性,但是他們的劇情外就沒有任何的"遊戲"了,這真的令人痛心;以及 Viet 的劇情,不知為何但卡在"我懷孕了"的那節,不斷的重複無法前進
我真心希望可以增加一個"暫停"按鈕在調教途中,很多時候cecille 出現"生氣"或是"超級高潮?"狀態下,我不能停下的只能看狀況崩潰然後結束;
以及(我不知道名字)調戲狀態條 很常出現消失的情況,不停地轉換行動就不停地消失又出現,我不知道該如何"看待"這件事,我到底該快速的結束還是享受一點惡趣味?
同時的,我真的覺得太快了,調教真的可以慢一點的,太快了,沒時間享受那個過程,不管事高潮速度還是增加的詛咒值都太多了,我第一次通過第一節花了不超過五次的夜晚、第三節只有九次(不是為了劇情會更短),可以更挑戰一點: 增加像是高潮一次才增加詛咒值,每一次高潮中間累積的點數不一致導致增加的詛咒值也不一定,給玩家(我)更加的"探索"玩弄的樂趣與他們喜歡的方式
Is it too much to ask for an unfinished game?
The plot of this game starts with EVA's Akira, so it saves the complexity of arranging the plot, which should be acceptable, but the carry-over is terrible!
The "male lead" model that appears from time to time even smashed my imagination; it's not "any" character that I've created, but suddenly I'm asked to be someone!
The plot basically doesn't have too many problems, but it's a bit too tedious; Hey, I'm not here to be a giant robot driver, I'm here to be a harem master, is a robot story more important than a " pervert-fantasy " story?
On the system, I've encountered several quest backtracking bugs, especially the quests to earn money to buy dresses and write novels, as long as I get 400$ or go to class on Monday, the quests will be triggered over and over again!
And I don't know why, but it just went beyond the original plot and triggered the HCG in Asuka's room.
Back to the game, I couldn't do anything at all during the original quests, and the quests that triggered the plot line were all on Saturdays, which meant I had to sleep in my room for a week, which was short-lived but actually wasted a lot of time (time that could have been spent "triggering the plot").
It also means that there are no other characters to interact with except for the main line, and without any interaction, the other locations made are uninteresting!
I finished the game and it only took me three hours, actually less if I don't take the time to read it!
The HCG's are all looping in about 10 seconds, there are no other footage except for the current two, and there are only three HCG's per scene... I know, sometimes it's too much to ask, the modules are already prepared by others, the movements are smooth and expressive, but the unnecessary nudity and deliberate arrangements just make me feel "I'm being rude".
PS:Why is it so hard to use the rating and review function, and why can't I type my copy ?