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A member registered May 03, 2020

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(2 edits)

I'm going to have to disagree with some of the people in the comments. The new sprites are great! The old ones were fine too but, they felt less Morenatsu and more St. Lucia, and while there's nothing wrong with that (St.Lucia is pretty cool so the concept of Homecoming using it's art style itself never put me off initially but still) , I LOVE the new direction they're going with! Also, according to what I've heard, it's less time consuming for them to make the game with the sprites in the way that they are now, so that's a plus in my opinion

Can someone tell me why these vns have been on hold for so long?

what do you mean?

I heard he said he’s working on the code over his break.

If that’s actually the case, I expect this update to be really long.

But knowing how this is turning out, I doubt it’ll be finished by December.

Good god, some times I wish this is all some sort of weird, fucked-up rouse to get attention for the VN, or maybe even a sort of weird ProJared sort of situation involving his lover.

All I can do is stare at that cute frame with Caelan and Ranok laying in the grass and pretend the game’s development is doing great in hope for something changing for chrissake.

Huh... let's give it one... Persephone?

I see...

Well I'm not trying to defend his actions at all,

I just personally want to see the game completed.

I think all art, if it has a value story-wise, craftsmanship-wise, ect., has the right to be completed.

Art made by a questionable or even horrid person is still art, I still enjoy Omori despite the creator's past freakish incidents (I think they've matured a bit more by now, I don't know exactly but you get the point).

I'd like to see that scene to, but I want to see the story first and for the most part, I want to see where it goes, that scene comes last on my priorities.

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That's pretty

absolutely gorgeous

If everything continues in the direction it is, I doubt it.

I hope he does though.

I know it's weird, but sometimes I listen to "all I needed was you" from the original soundtrack for "MOTHER" (not the studio recording, the original 8 bit arrangement) or that song that plays when you ride the train in the game.

It's a bit niche, but I do that on occasion.

Attacked? Yikes.

(2 edits)


I'm sad.


Here's a random Wikipedia article for no reason.

The expansion joint theory and the fire theory make me sad that humanity exists :<

Sometimes I can't help but feel attacked when someone downvotes me. I'm not trying to be a snooty brat or anything, I just take things really personally for some reason.

So, I notice Torahiko's sprite is different, maybe that isn't new since I haven't downloaded a new build since 6 months ago, but I like how it looks! There's some issue with the scaling though, Torahiko looks a bit too tall, maybe it's the other sprites that are the problem? I don't know.

If you’re referring to people like me, I’ve stated multiple times that I do not condone or defend his actions in the slightest. If not, never mind then

By the way, I understand the point you were trying to make in the comments above, but you should probably see someone about your habit to type “kill yourself” cause that’s a bit… overwhelming.

Art is a powerful thing, it may be irrational for one to be clingy to it, but hey, it’s human nature. I love this game a lot and it would make me really sad if it stopped.

It’s scary you typed kys at all really.

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I understand. I feel bitter too, and betrayed by him. I feel very similarly to this, but I personally think some people are taking it over the moon and tossing this all directly into Jupiter’s boiling hot lower atmosphere. Hopefully there’s away to take Kael out of his egotistical trance without kissing his feet.

Oh, I must have missed it. That’s an issue on my part. I have a tendency to act a bit skittish and miss things when I feel attacked.

I hope not.

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You know, Sir/Ma’am/Other Respectful Pronoun, You have a tendency of taking words out of my mouth and twisting them in a way that changes the meaning of what I’m trying to communicate. Maybe I’m not being clear enough, and I’m sorry if that is the case, but using words out of their context is pretty dirty.

The storm is appropriate.

Maybe he does/doesn’t care about his story, though actions speak millions, those actions can have an ambiguity.


Maybe, but that could also be because no one was able to properly communicate. I don’t know exactly. I’ve seen people change after years of being total dickwads to being at least sub-decent.

And I see that people are just downvoting this again,

Why do I even try.

Just because I say something about their actions and how they’re affecting the situation, they assume that I’m giving all the blame to them, this all at least 75% Kael’s fault, and at most 99%. I don’t want to be part of the remaining 25-1% that tips the whole thing over. I want to see this story conclude, I want to see it end without anyone else getting hurt, and with Kael ceasing his stupidity in a calm manner.

but some people aren’t. And that’s a bit… you know

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Wow, no, stop being so Ad Hominem. I’m just saying we have to get a hold of him, slap him a few times, and try to make him change. If he doesn’t, then unfortunately we’ll have to forget about the VN.

There’s always more nuance to something than people say there is.

I agree, though Kael’s actions are all quite hideous, the way people are acting here isn’t helping the situation at all. Returning evil for more evil (or, more appropriately for this situation, skeeviness and overall assholery for moral bankruptcy and incel-esque black pill swallowing) usually does not work. These people don’t realize that if they continue this way, they might end up steeping low as Kael did and end up making Kael more uncooperative and bratty than he already is.

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Okay, I’m commenting again because everyone took what I said the wrong way. I’m not trying to blame all of you for Kael’s actions.

There are obviously some things that I will and CAN miss about a situation, so I ask you to at least humor me a little.

Kael obviously needs to be more open to criticism, honest, and less bratty, but situations are almost never as black and white as you think they are, so stop acting like those nuns who randomly just started meowing like fucking crazy because one of them didn’t have the common decency to stop like a normal, functional human being (real event, I’m not joking) and stop being presumptuous asshats. Oh my god.

Kael is obviously not the best person as of now, not meeting deadlines, random hiatuses without explanation, censors criticism (even if on occasion it’s a weird criticism that doesn’t make sense, but criticism is criticism none the less), and being a general dick.

I was just trying to show a part of the situation that felt off and feels counterproductive to the situation and is just going to drive Kael farther away from our criticism. He may not listen to it now, but think of how much less he will listen if it continues like this. Stop complaining and making memes and take action. Though these complaints are justified, they’re just pushing away the only way for this game to continue development and maybe if anyone is able to reason with the man we can finally get this game back on track, make him apologize to the people he damaged and the situation can go from blind rambling of anger to actual progress. Okay?

Downvote this to hell all you like! Just give me a reason this time. Though I try to stay up to date with this egregious situation, I don’t ALWAYS have everything laid out for me because I have other things that are important in my life, I would like some more context please.

Okay goddamnit, I’m not trying to defend his actions. Stop downvoting my comment like a bunch of ninnies, you’re starting to act like him yourselves.

I don’t know if there’s something I’m missing about this situation (I want this situation to end and finish the damned story already) but claiming I’m a fucking Kael clone pisses me off.

I’m not even from the same country… I think? I mean, his mannerisms and the way he writes the vn gives off a particular vibe as if he’s not American so uh.. yeah.

I don't know if I'll be able to enjoy it after this either.

I hope I will however


I know this situation has already gotten out of hand, but I want to say something.

Caelan is not perfect, and I agree with that sentiment, but saying "Caelan bad >:((((" is not a good argument. I've seen a few good arguments about Caelan's personality and stuff, but mostly just "Caelan is a bitch/whiny whore".

Nonetheless, I'd like to bring something up.

While Kael has to learn how to take criticism, and at times he can be questionable, there are a tonne of comments aimed at him in a way that feels less constructive an more... y'know?

There are also many valid points that you all make about his actions too, but think about how Kael sees it.

Now, one cannot speak for another's own experience, and I do not know too much about this situation other than some scattered info and other basic things, but I think Kael seems to have a focus on all of the "Black Knights'" criticism more than the actual criticism of people who love his content and want to help him improve as a developer and a person, which makes him regress, and become volatile and defensive.

As someone who used to be, and still is to great degree, a sensitive individual with a ego with the fragility of paper the width of a planc length, I understand why he feels this way, if it is how he feels at all, and while that doesn't excuse anything, it gives him a reason (at least in my opinion anyway ._.) for why he hasn't been very open with us.

He's scared of his own fandom and the "Black" and "White" knights made it this way.

I believe we should all work to make this more hospitable for him, so that he'll actually hear us all out.

And no, I don't think we should all just blindly praise him, that's definitely not helping at all.

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Tan is Phillip’s Surname, and Euca is the protag’s Default name. Idk, maybe it was changed during developement at one point? :/ 

Well, I found out Phillips last name is Tan on the fanmade wiki, which could be an error. But I swear I heard his surname mentioned somewhere in game, maybe I’m just halucenating. (Edit, I think it was towards the begining)