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A member registered Aug 16, 2017 · View creator page →

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Oh wow you played for a good while to get that ratio, congrats! :'D Thank you for the feedback! It was definitely hacked together at lightspeed, I took shortcuts I don't normally allow myself to, it actually felt pretty good to throw something together without worrying about scalability. The trijam time limit has intimidated me for many weeks now, occasionally I'll have an idea for a prompt but think I cannot possibly make something remotely playable in 3 hours, this is the first time I had an idea small enough to take a whack at it and was pleasantly surprised to finish it with almost an hour left over. Hope to participate again sometime!

SO CUTE :O Farming and pokemon, my two favorite things. Looking good so far!

some things that came to mind from my playtime:

It took me a minute to figure out how to use the potato seeds, I eventually figured out how to put them on the hot bar, not sure if you can use items from your bag

It would be nice if when you just tapped the direction keys once, your character would face that direction instead of moving. Made positioning to water my potatoes awfully annoying

Things like the axe should continuously activate if you hold down the button imo

Character gets stuck in walking animation if moving while talking to someone, woops

Would be nice if trees/other obstacles faded out when you're behind them so I can see what the heck I'm stuck on

I couldn't catch a single fish ;---;

being able to sit down is ADORABLE!

I like how the battles take place in the overworld instead of a vs screen! But sometimes the creatures are hidden behind environment details like trees D: There was some neat mushroom creature I could barely see 

Needs an exit game button!

Good stuff, keep it up!

I love these! The little flower spout is so cute :D

Nice game! I enjoyed the UFOs. I got some pretty good shots of bigfoot :)

thank you sensei

THE CHICKEN ESPECIALLY IS SO CUTE I'm using it as a placeholder in the game I'm working on now. No colors on 'em since I dunno how to make vertex colors work with my shaders and I'm not pressed about it since I plan to model my own eventually, but I thought you might like to see 'em in action anyway :D I made some quick lil animations for them.

I love the style for this, especially the background just really tickled me lol. The art and sound and everything was great for adding to that 80s feel, my only criticism is that the jump wasn't very reactive and didn't feel great even when it did react 

This was very neat, I love how the control scheme was handled, it got me thinking about games with multiple player controlled chars an the possibilities thereof :0c Nice job!

The ghosts do move rather fast XD I just love this idea though, reminds me of when I was a kid playing around in MSPaint & pretending to dig holes with the square tools. I suggest adding some giant ant people as well, that was always my imaginary enemy :) Anywho everything was really reactive and well made! i dig it!

I love the lil frog guy :'D This felt very good and snappy, I would've played longer but I just could not get wall jumping to work lol, it seems as though more than pressing space while sliding that you needed to also point in the direction you wanted to go and my fingers just did not wanna do it! 

I love the lil frog guy :'D This felt very good and snappy, I would've played longer but I just could not get wall jumping to work lol, it seems as though more than pressing space while sliding that you needed to also point in the direction you wanted to go and my fingers just did not wanna do it! 

I really adore this idea, I think you should totally flesh it out into something more polished XD I did not like having to use the arrow keys for movement tho, arrow keys never feel good to use. Also the lil guy's laugh is A++

lmao i couldnt remember SHIT XD Cool idea though, for more ease of use to the memory-challenged I'd suggest starting with either less keys or more time and ramping up from there. I enjoyed the accompanying sound effects letting me know I done fudged up

The controls and physics were really reactive and it was very fun to play :D nice job!!

The controls and physics were really reactive and it was very fun to play :D nice job!!

thank you sensei

thank you!! :D 

Thanks!! YEAH stealthing became less necessary after i over-nerfed the dino aggro radius after the first playtesting XD it was brutal to start with but now its way easy, i will have to find a balance 

I love this so much ToT i was too tickled by all your chicken noises

thank you!! Jackarais made all the graphics while I did the coding, I was stunned by their productivity :O There's so many more decorative sprites they made that I wasn't even able to fit in before we ran out of time!

thank you! i laughed too much at myself while putting that cutscene together x)

thanks! :D

thank you!! haHA yeah the animations Jackarais made for this are incredible, I regret I didn't get the dinosaur aggression ones working for this version, the one for the rex is totally terrifying XD

thank you! yeah I thought having to make a few trips across the map would make it a lil more interesting :D

thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it :"D 

thank you!! <3

thank yoU!

it's tough out there for a space rodeo man! >;D is the frustration from anything that seems wonky mechanically?

thank you! would you have any suggestions for balancing, by chance?

thank you sensei

The art for this game is BOMB AS HECK I love the lil character guy and his gun is very snappy & responsive, it's fun how you can shoot it in a full arc instead of just to the left or right. The background is completely beautiful and creates a great atmosphere :D It's challenging and I personally appreciate that a lot in a game, don't want to just roll through something too easily after all; I had to learn to be predictive with the speed of gunfire vs the enemies. Pushing the blocks around for a jumping off point was a cool mechanic.

some bugs I think I found: I got killed by the first big jellyfish boss guy and when I hit "try again" and went through the level again, the boss did not spawn after the little jellyfishes came down to attack me; after a few restarts I deduced that the reason was that I, being the wily player I am, kept skipping the first sluggy guy after my first playthrough afterI realized you could hop onto the block above it, and it *seems* that failing to defeat all previous monsters in the level prevents the boss from spawning - but also, once you are in the boss area you aren't allowed to go back and shoot any enemies you missed, so you have to start all over. Also, I wish I could give more thorough feedback about this, but I wasn't able to pinpoint exactly when it was happening D:, but double jump seemed to not trigger for me sometimes, very random when it wouldn't but I wonder if it could have something to do with the way I constantly press A or D while I am also trying to double jump. I dunno! At first I thought I might be trying to trigger it too fast, but I noticed some fails even when I gave it time to cool down.

anyway GREAT JOB on the game, you made a really cool thing here !

thank you! :D