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A member registered 89 days ago

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Hehe im fall in love with ur artstyle lol, i will wait ur full version laterヾ(^-^)ノ

-) can u add kotatsu on living room? Cause i see much space on there, so more h scene when she sleeping

-) maybe if we doing much over on her sleeping, she will wake up. But when her lust bar is full she accept ur action and if low she gonna scream or something (same like on bathroom scene)

-) can u make the 3rd bar like a plant (idk what is that) if already decrease we can increase it again? I tried that bar until zero and just the love bar still increase but the lust bar is not increase again and she is always mad

-) maybe the shop feature can add some adult toy

-) peeping on her bedroom when she play with her adult toy maybe?

-) washing machine scene like she is stuck on there so u can add h scene

-) maybe in the future she can pregnant for the good ending and she will get out from her brother house on bad ending

Sorry my english so bad and sorry again if i cant buy that subs cause im not have payment for it but i have many request like this *´ㅅ`)゙♥, but i can buy that if u already add it on steam 2026. I really like ur game hehe, this is my first time download h game lol