This is one of my favorite games of 2025 already. I play it almost everyday.
V For Valensa
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Battle For The Speed Planet is expansion for the mecha ttrpg Beam Saber by Austin Ramsay that introduces the exciting "meta sport" of Mecha Racing, a competition of speed and skill where two teams of robotic racing machines face off to test their mettle. Battle For The Speed Planet now available for pre order while the expansion is in its final editing phase, the full release is planned for later this month on April 17, 2021.
I'm Lucas Valensa. I'm a Brazilian-American game designer and I make a lot of scifi and other niche genre games.
Eu sou Lucas Valensa. Sou un game designer Brasileiro e eu crio jogos que tem a ver com ficção cientifica e outros generos de nicho.