Hola, sabe que tu fan hecho de Friday Night Funkin, es fantástico, espero que continúes el trabajo
A member registered Feb 14, 2020
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The Maccon update is really great,and then the idea of putting a younger brother was an interesting gimmick,I hope the next update is back for Maccon.Take me a curiosity. Isn't it by any coincidence that there was something between Tom and Maccon in the past?or maybe it's me that I'm imagining?
Homecoming ~Morenatsu Revisited~ comments · Replied to DracoTheDragonRawr in Homecoming ~Morenatsu Revisited~ comments
Hi fd_caro, your game is very beautiful, the story the characters are all beautiful and interesting, but if I can have my say on a detail, I would have added or would add the possibility to change our character's clothes and also weapons, and maybe , make sure that some characters can if we want to join our adventure. Otherwise do not follow my ideas, as I said mine are just advice.
Hey Nine Inch Tails, first of all, with respect, you have a name that is difficult to remember and write, and then your game has a very interesting story, even if there is a very short demo, and then always with all the respect and know that mine is just an observation, on the home page there are 2 images that are not present in the demo and above all you also see 2 of the characters that you do not meet even once in the demo. As I said mine are alone non-critical remark I have what.
Not bad as a game and a story, seriously. I can see practically all the characters we interact with who are super pumped with muscles, I'm not saying that this makes it less beautiful the game, let's say that in my opinion if at least some of the characters had in shape but without being excessive it would be more realistic. As I said it is just my observation nothing more.