Hey, thanks for getting back! We see to have found someone who is eager to help, but let's see how that relationship unfolds. Great works, btw!
A member registered 55 days ago
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itch.io Community » Game Development » Help Wanted or Offered · Created a new topic [Art][Unpaid][2D] Art Director for Online Strategic Card Game
We are a team of 2 (game designer, programmer) in search of a 2D artist who would come with a concept and improve our prototype to somewhat visually pleasing level. No hard deadline, we are enthusiasts and do this as a hobby. Fantasy is preferred style (setting is ancient Greece). Roughly speaking, the game is a combo of Hearthstone + Risk. Pitch is here :https://drive.google.com/file/d/11s6HYGnjuTt1q_k14WIWBVtzAdFNDrOV/view Demo gameplay here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HCgISPJT-0TSx_xsZ0rmw2srq_VXRrTN/view Please reply in this thread if you are interested.