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A member registered Dec 02, 2021

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I hope he just lost power and connection i hope the guys ok

no i haven't heard anything and he normally answers an hour or so after each post

How are you guys holding up Dick I heard their hitting the capital theirs even protests in Russia and I heard reporters are being targeted as well as civilians 

I wish someone  could create a funded campaign for a bounty on that assholes head . i also don't understand how people in general don't understand that shooting a fucking nuclear power plant with a tank is smart. Ones common sense as a Russian should say if that plant plow's up all my comrades will die along with me. I know I can't speak for the Ukraine people for it's not my home and I know i cant truly for the people who have been affected but this is madness I fear if my country joins the war their won't be a world to return to. My stepdad told me how the world remembers Hitlers name but it didn't know Putins name But now everyone knows that shits name. It's fucked. My countries preparing for war we had bombers flying around today I know that doesn't mean much but theirs some hope that we will join.

Putins a fucking moron, i hope he's assassinated good luck dic, hows the city holding up right now. by the way I have a lot of respect for your President and country you guys are giving them quit the fight.  

I saved it to my task bar but i haven't logged out of it either.  I think it would be worth a try.

I would just check your key items or try to fish the next da