thank you! That's totally fine, I'm kind of here for love of the game and less so for the judging :) We'll try to add a video though for people without 2.7 firmware
Val Knight
Creator of
Recent community posts
hi :) as per title - is it OK to make network based games using the closed beta for the 2.7 SDK? My partner and I was thinking of taking part, and we both have physical consoles updated to the Beta firmware, but I understand if it would be tough to judge games that require currently unreleased firmware!
thanks :)
- val
hi! just to come back to this - this was an issue on's end, and should now be fixed! let us know if you're still having issues with downloading the game :)
- v
ah, i'm super sorry! my best guess is this could likely be an anti-virus issue, or, an issue with the download becoming corrupt.
if you aren't using it, I'd recommend using the desktop app - it's typically much better at handling corrupted downloads, and, extracting data in such a way that anti-virus doesn't get sad. it also lets you keep track of what games you have installed, and, easily update the game when we release new patches :)
Known Issues:
- [macOS only] Music looping can sometimes fail -> this should be an easy fix, and, just got lost in the rush of pre-launch commits!
- Rare crashes when going back to hangar -> currently investigating!
- sadly this does not happen in debug builds, or on macOS, so, this may take a little while to track down
Future technical things we're exploring:
- a web build!!
- we didn't quite have time to crunch a lot of the super amazing art down to run in a browser, so, this is something being explored for future!
- Godot looks to have a really nasty bug for web builds on macOS, which, makes it hard for me (once again, Mac user) to do good performance testing, so we weren't confident publishing the web build
- checking Steam Deck / Linux compatibility!
- nothing we're doing SHOULD stop this game from running under Wine/Proton
- when I'm a little less busy, i'll load this onto my Steam Deck, and check bindings! we believe everything should Just Work
- if this fails, we'll export a native build for Linux, and, get that up here alongside the Windows and macOS builds
Hi hi hi! Quick livepatch is uploading now with some fixes:
- Rebalanced Sparky (sorry speedrunners, Sparky Strat is dead)
- Fixed background scrolling issues
- Fixed dynamic background changes
- Fixed background blur being too strong
- Fixed EMF from the sun being too strong, and interrupting homing bullets from seeking their ways to ships
Just download the new v1.02 version, and you're good to go!