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A member registered Jan 03, 2021

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cant believe I got heartbroken playing a gay sex game

and with the nastiest character too

I can't seem to trigger the barrel visit scene. perhaps it is because he's no longer in the bareshade tavern. anyway, lovely update as always

heya, I know this : you probably told korg (the orc) to be on his way, without offering to shelter him.

ah I cant seem to get logan on prowl despite meeting the conditions that's weird mate

little problem here : I cant seem to trigger the country road events, despite completing the "sleep until morning" first task

ste is victoria's second prisoner, the replacement for korg, in a way. Free him, get him to like you, make him visit bareshade and you should unlock a "country road" quest. After you complete that quest, ste will visit you

hey! I dont believe it is a bug. You can access the bad ending if you carefully let all three lost acolytes have sex (also you must give a lust potion to rhot). This requirement is just not specified, but only through it can you access the ending in question :))

The nightmare chtullu is so hot! looking forward to see more of him (amazing game btw)!

I would love to see a vampire count character in the future