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A member registered Feb 28, 2021

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Dude Stevie Mike would be great to see Pop up in other games hilarious

I have had the same problems I can plan on my phone but my computer will not play it for some reason three different laptops same outcome.

Cool so instead of just saying "oh yeah there are updates pay that here is where you can find them. " We do the " you ain't from round here aryee bowey! Attitude lol. Cool I can dig it.

Well let's get to know each other, now drop em boy and squeel like a pig, lemme hear ya squeeeelll

Farthest I've gotten into what I've downloaded is the tattoo shop, I've seen no other updates since then that was a while back.

Is this game abandoned? Is there gonna be Any more updates?

Have you finished tabletop yet. It's a fun game I'd love to buy it now if it's done