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A member registered Mar 08, 2021

Recent community posts

Update ?

(2 edits)

slim skips the button, and the footprints do not appear and nothing happens when I try to start from any point,i'm on android

the slime area is very broken, all the puzzles don't work

Update ?

thanks for telling me

(1 edit)

Update ??

Update ?

Android ?

I managed to download it but the computer doesn't want to accept it, so I'll wait for an android version

Dead ?

the game doesn't work for me, I'll have to wait and hope for an android version

dummy is broken when I get close to attack it keeps hitting me without stopping and I can't do anything I'm on version 23 and the game still has a lot of lagging, i am on android

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will there be an update where we can corrupt the priest ?

as far as I know, when you enter their base, let them catch you a few times, I don't know how many times though

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android version ?

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v0.0.22 on android, I started the game from the beginning and I don't know why but the game is lagging really hard and it crashes every time, it happens when I want to skip, when I go to a new location and some random moments

Android version ?

will there be an android version?

I can't wait to see

Quick question. will this game have some mind control, but which will not result in game over?

I hope there will be an update, the game was fun so far and I hope there will be an English version

Dead ?

Update ?

Update ?

is the game dead or will it receive an update?
BangxBang community · Created a new topic Dead

is the game dead or will it receive an update?

Update ?

I can't save at all after I got to the part where I can buy, the save function doesn't work anymore the screen freezes completely and quick save doesn't work either, the last place I can save is when you finish the nsfw scene with the dragon, after I leave I can't save at all, I'm on android

thanks for telling me

Update ?

will it have an android version?

update ?

will there be an android version?

look at the comments below and you will find a picture of the things you need to put


will there be an android version?

thank you

(1 edit)

the new storage chest is bugged every time I want to put something in it, an error appears, when I choose to ignore it, the object I tried to put completely disappears,i am on android.

will there be an android version?

will there be an android version?