Thanks for the reply!
I updated to the newest version, still getting the color issue, I’ll attack a photo of what I mean. It may be some code I have elsewhere that's changing the color or filter somehow? Because weirdly on screen recordings it shows the correct colors! while in game it shows up more blue/washed out. (left is the native cursor using the extension, right is drawn using a game object that tracks the mouse)
As you can see I am using a pixel filter to give my game a lo-fi feel, similar to animal well. That is mainly why I want to snap the cursor to in game pixels, so that it adheres to and also if possible sits behind the pixel filter. Nitpicky I know, but I'm really going for that pixel perfect feel within the game.
Would having the cursor drawn at a lower depth than the pixel filter be possible? (pixel filter is drawn on draw gui end step)
If these are solvable issues within the plugin without me having to learn the ins and outs of the WINapi language let me know! I would definitely pay more / donate to your project if theses issues could be solved.
thanks again and sorry for the litany of questions