Thank you for your kind words!
It's nice to watch how my game's being played by different people so thanks for the video too :D
Wow I am surprised that someone liked my game that much, thanks!
I also enjoyed making the game so maybe one day I will decide to make something else--this was my first "serious" project after all--got to make something more special, so thank you for your kind words, it's great that you liked the experience :D
Thanks for the feedback, it was nice and constructive!
The thing about which you are right is 100% that next project should be more simple :P
At the end I have started to realize that while making big projects you don't really get enough time to practice coding and other important stuff, so my skills didn't really grow up.
But hey, that's so nice of you that you played the game and read the development log and after that even left a feedback, thank you!!
Yeah remember this game from this jam, ur game was one of the best games for me there, and now i decided to check halloween jams before fall so i played ur game and after that decided to visit ur profile and found this. This have cool charm like old games with this annoying camera and it similar to the game iron lug (or other name honestly i dont remember but the game was about big red sea with monster) and as person with thalassofobia but a fan of theese games and stories like iron lug, subnautica and level 7(backrooms), i like this game