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A member registered Feb 17, 2020

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Hey I'm just glad to hear this isn't another dead-end visual novel! I've seen far too many end here. The fact you're still going is all I need for an apology.

What's the common route??

I'm so confused, on one hand this seems like a joke, but on the other it seems serious as well?? Please tell me the library part is just an addition and won't be the new focus. I want a dungeon train game, not some weird bad attempt at an artistic game trying to be deeper than it is.

I love this V/N and it's sad to see it go on hiatus but it's even more sad to hear that you haven't been having fun with it! Definitely take a break for however long you need, we're not going anywhere and will be glad to wait if it means that you're in a better state mentally for this project once you start working on it again. <3


Dunno if he's gonna post an update here, it's probably on his list but he just posted an update on Patreon along with a couple free images (no subscription needed) along with a few apologies to which I say to him stop, stop apologizing. You have your own life complications you owe us nothing, you have done an amazing job on this and whatever prevented you from updating I'm sure will be well worth the wait, and we'll easily forget about the gap. Take your time and release when you're ready. <3

As far as I can tell he went on an unexpected hiatus, who knows why but he's recently retweeted some things on his Twitter so it looks like he's back, hopefully with an explanation. (That sounds very accusatory but I just wanna know what happened)

*public* build delayed, which means patreon has it already. Guess I'll just pay money. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(Been meaning to give you some money for this amazing game anyways <3)

"CW: Echo can be an emotionally intense experience"


No spoilers but DAMN, y'all did not hold back and just- the ending of TJ's route... DAMN. Gonna give it a go for other's routes but I need to recover from everything I just- well I just need to recover from everything.

Minor minor spoilers, but I wish towards the end there, on the lake, or honestly any appropriate spot before, I could've had some sort of choice to stop all... THAT... from happening, but that's not on y'all being bad writers or anything that's just me always wanting a perfectly happy ending all tied up with a neat bow. Typically after stories that aren't even half as... Intense... as this I find myself daydreaming about me being in total control and fixing everything and it all being happy and hunky dory.

TL;DR: Great- no ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC story and characters, but highly stressful and anxiety inducing, especially for a control freak that always wants everything to go perfectly and happily.

Naturally it ends with a cliff hanger. And I'm sent reeling so much from just how much this game pulls me in and makes me have feels that I forget to tell you how great of a writer you are and how much I (quite literally) can't wait for the next update. I only wish I had money to share with you because you deserve so much for this masterpiece that I almost feel guilty getting to experience (that word choice is very deliberate as this isn't a game, it's an experience) for free. But (hopefully) soon that guilt will be washed away and I can give you some well earned, well deserved money.

P.S. Jun is best boi.

Yesss it's here! Now please no more cliff hangers, my heart can't take it. x.x

(1 edit)

Okay so I used SoundHound to find out the main menu theme but unfortunately it didn't work on the other so I can only assume that it is indeed the original Jun theme included in the update. Again if possible I would love to have the sheet music for that cause I'm a major piano nerd and when I hear a song I like I MUST learn it, especially now that I believe it to be Jun's theme.

For those wondering and too lazy to use sound finding software the main menu theme is Two Together by Kevin MacLeod.

So far this game has been amazing. The character building the story the characters just everything has been spot on! I'm anxiously awaiting the next Jun-centric update! But I do have one simple request: What is the main theme? Is there any chance I can get sheet music for it? I'm dying to learn to play it. That as well as what I believe to be Jun's new theme? Whatever starts playing after the scene where Jun is patching up Yuuichi after the CDs fall on him, after all that when they start getting to playing the games. If I could get a name and/or some sheet music that would be great! Thank you for pouring your time into this masterpiece of a game! I swear the moment I have money to spend it's going straight to this game!

This game is absolutely amazing. The characters, the story, the writing overall is just phenomenal! When I downloaded this game I didn't expect to get so roped into the story. Maybe it's cause I barely have a life of my own it almost feels like I'm personally friends with the characters. I wish there was anything I could do to speed up development other than just donating money. I've gotten so invested that now that I've caught up to Jun's story line I can't bring myself to start another before I finish it and I have no idea what to do other than play this game. Great work! Only gripes I have are that it doesn't come out faster!