For beginning this game have really good idea for the surroundings ,great potential and performs the basic elements of a survival game, but it will be much better if we can find there things like this:
- More kind of vegetables and tropical fruit (like pineapple, papaya or mango)
- Trees what includes these kind of fruit (on the same principle like the coconut palm in the game)
- More kind of fish ( like Tuna, cod, mackerel or salmon)
- Possibility to make small boats for traveling around the raft
- More kind of sharks (swordfish, hammerhead, great white shark)
- trophies (head of the shark or whole fish hanged on wall)
- Basic types of furniture (chair, table, shelves)
- weather, natural disasters, season and day cycle
- Raids of groups of sharks or raid of a pirate ship
- Pirate and other weapons (like saber, musket, sword, ax, etc.)
- Some kinds of octopus
- Also besides floating barrels floating Chests
And for the future:
- The possibility of adding the way your raft will come to the far remote island
- 2-4 players coop