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Tales Of Wocdes

A member registered Aug 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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Wow! Thank you so much! That is some high praise!  Please check out the tumblr if you have not already. There might be a few short snippets of Chapter 2 posted as sneak peeks :D

(2 edits)

Hi, thank you! I am happy you like it so far! No need to be sorry for pointing out a problem you found! This is a know issue, I have listed above under "known issues" :D I have edited and updated the game. I hope it now works, but let me know if there are more problems!

No problems, this is good English in my opinion at least. It is not my first language either. Happy to hear you liked the story and the little reference :D 

Wow, that is some very high praise! Thank you very much! Clearly Havard has some good taste in names :D 

Thank you! Your wish will probably come true, I have a vague idea for a scene in mind :D 

Happy to hear you like the project! Thank you for your support and discretion! I will gladly hear about spelling mistakes! tumblr or email (in the demo feedback page) would work. 

Thank you for the feedback! I will try to see if I can fix that!

(1 edit)

Glad to hear that! Thank you! Aah, it seems all my responses are basically the same :D Oh well, they are true. 

Thank you! Let's hope growing up will be fun.... :D 

Thank you very much! Glad to hear some emotions landed! 

Thank you! Happy to hear you liked it so far! And thank you for the typo! I will fix that.

Thank you! I am glad you like it so far!