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A member registered Jan 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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No. its "abandoned"

Hi, I didnt get any new about that but if that happen I have all your mails. I'll send you keys from somewhere else. 

That option has no effects, I added it to see what players think about it. If players like it, I'll add the pregnancy route that will be define with how many times player decide to do it without condom.

do you speak english natively?

this month I will release another patreon update. I want to developer a few version before keep with free one

Yeah to much people is saying that. My bad, I had no idea how that work then I used my own way to called it. When I reach to the chapter two the game will be called 2.1.0... i think that will give an idea to the people.

I write in spanish, after that I traslate it to english. at the moment a girl (native english) is helping me with some parts that I'm not sure. after I lauch the game for patreons, and a dude (tester) fix my gramaticals errors. for the moment this is working buy if I need another tester maybe I will contact you.

(1 edit)

I use my own way of naming the version...